Title Geomorfološki tragovi pleistocenske glacijacije masiva Čvrsnice i hrpta Čabulje
Title (english) Geomorphological traces of the pleistocene glaciation in the Čvrsnica massif and the Čabulja ridge
Author Mirjana Miličević
Mentor Sanja Faivre (mentor)
Mentor Mladen Pahernik (komentor)
Committee member Neven Bočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Faivre (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Pahernik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geography) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-10-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 91 - Geography. Travel. Exploration
Abstract Ovaj rad istražuje geomorfološke tragove pleistocenske glacijacije na podruĉju gorskog masiva Ĉvrsnice i hrpta Ĉabulje u središnjem dijelu Dinaridskog gorskog sustava. Glavne strukture i rasjedi imaju dinaridski pravac pružanja. Litološki sastav ĉine uglavnom karbonatne naslage mezozojske starosti. U vršnom planinskom prostoru dominantna je mrežasta struktura reljefa (uzvišenja, udubljenja i platoi). Takva podloga predglacijalnog reljefa uz povoljne klimatske uvjete pogoduje akumuliranju
... More snijega i leda te stvaranju oledbe. Na temelju analize morfometrijskih parametara, rekonstrukciji klime tijekom pleistocenske oledbe i prostornog rasporeda ledenjaĉkih morfološih oblika može se pretpostaviti maksimalno podruĉje oledbe od oko 200 km2 koje obuhvaća vršni dio gorskog masiva i hrptove. UtvrĊeno je postojanje tri tipa pleistocenskih ledenjaka: cirkni, platoasti i dolinski. Kao posljedica egzaracijskog oblikovanja u recentnom reljefu utvrĊeno je postojanje 26 dobro oĉuvanih cirkova. Najveći broj razvijen je na padinama hrptova sjeverne ekspozicije i ima manju površinu. Cirkovi južne orijentacije su veći, oblikovani u rasjedno predisponiranim uvalama. Platoasti ledenjaci imali su regionalna obilježja, a pružanje i obim odreĊen je prihranjivanjem ledom i pružanjem hrptova. UtvrĊene ledenjaĉke doline u gornjem dijelu imaju karakteristiĉan „U“ profil, a njihova dužina i pravac pružanja odreĊeni su istaloženim akumulacijskim ledenjaĉkim sedimentima (morene, glaciofluvijalni sedimenti). Granulometrijskom analizom sedimenta na ravnomjerno rasporeĊenim lokacijama u većini uzoraka utvrĊena je niska razina zaobljenosti zrna i relativno slaba sortiranost materijala što s obzirom na položaj upućuje na ledom pretaložen sediment. Less
Abstract (english) This work also researches geomorphologic traces of Pleistocene glaciations on area of highland massif of Ĉvrsnica and Ĉabulja ridge in the central part of The Dinarides mountain range. With the surface of 513, 45 km2, it covers the area between the canyon valleys of the river Doljanka and The Neretva river on the north and on the east, and on the east, mountain ridges on the west (Vran and Libo) and the plateau of Brotnjo on the south. The key structures and faults have the Dinaridic
... More orientation line. In litho-logical system it is mainly karst, carbonic layers of Mesozoic origin (limestone, dolomites). Apart from the geological and structural features; glacial, karst and slope processes have influenced geomorphologic formation of terrain. At high range mountain area, the network structure of terrain is predominant, with the chain of elevations (ridges, hilltops), hollows (karst sinkholes, karst depressions) and plateaus. That same terrain of pre-glacial era is exactly the one that is good for accumulation of snow and ice, if climatic conditions are right, which is in fact, creation of meltdown erosion. Based on the analysis of morph metric parameters, reconstruction of the climate during the pre-glacial meltdown and areal distribution of glacier morphologic forms, it can be presumed that maximal area of meltdown erosion is around 200 km2, which covers the top part of mountain range massif and ridges. It has been determined that there are three types of glaciers: cirque, plateau and valley types. As the outcome of the exoration formation in recent terrain shapes it was determined that there are 26 well-preserved cirques. The largest number of cirques is developed on the slopes of ridges of north exposition and it has smaller surface. Cirques of south orientation are larger, formed in karst depression predisposed by faults. Plateau glaciers had regional features, and its direction line and range is determined by ice feed, as well as by stretching of the ridges. Established glacial valleys in upper part have characteristically U-profile shapes, and its length and the direction line is determined by layers of accumulative glacial sediments (stratum, glacial-fluvial sediments). Plateau glaciers had regional features, and its direction line and range is determined by ice feed, as well as by stretching of the ridges. By analysis with granulotmetry of accumulated layers on certain, equally disposed locations in major cases, relatively low level of the roundness of grains is present, with almost two thirds of larger particles is gravel and relatively low level of division of material is also present, which denotes sedimentation by ice (strata and glacialfluvial fans). Less
ledenjaĉke doline
masiv Ĉvrsnice
hrbat Ĉabulje
Keywords (english)
glacial valleys
Ĉvrsnica massif
Ĉabulja ridge
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:132220
Study programme Title: Geography Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica iz područja interdisciplinarnih područja-polje geografija (doktor/doktorica iz područja interdisciplinarnih područja-polje geografija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 180 str.; 23 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-07-31 11:06:15