Title Razvoj i suvremena preobrazba krajolika Ravnih kotara
Title (english) Development and contemporary transformation of Ravni kotari landscape
Author Ante Blaće
Mentor Damir Magaš (mentor)
Committee member Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Magaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Zupanc (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geography) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-02-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 91 - Geography. Travel. Exploration
Abstract Krajolik Ravnih kotara, središnjeg dijela Primorske Hrvatske, bio je objekt istraživanja ove disertacije. No, s obzirom na to da područje Kotara nije jasno određeno, prvo je izvršena regionalizacija tog prostora s četirima dobivenim subregionalnom cjelinama. Potom je s historijskogeografskog motrišta raspravljeno korištenje zemljišta i oblikovanje ravnokotarskog krajolika tijekom prošlosti, od prapovijesti do danas. Izdvojeno je ukupno šest glavnih kulturnih razdoblja oblikovanja ravnokotarskog krajolika: prapovijest, rimska uprava, srednjovjekovno razdoblje, razdoblje mletačko-osmanskog vrhovništva, 19. i prva polovica 20. stoljeća i druga polovica 20. stoljeća. Uz to, identificirani su nepovoljni društveno- politički i gospodarski čimbenici koji su uzrokovali prekide tj. diskontinuitete u razvoju ravnokotarskog krajolika, a odnose se na razdoblja ranog srednjeg vijeka, 16. i 17. stoljeća i obrambenog Domovinskog rata. Drugi dio istraživanja krajolika obuhvatio je analize promjena korištenja zemljišta od 18. do 21. stoljeća. Uspoređeni su prostorni rasporedi i udjeli pojedinih kategorija zemljišta na razini 80-ak ravnokotarskih katastarskih općina. Najveće promjene udjela u ukupnim površinama katastarskih općina i Ravnih kotara kao cjeline imali su oranice, pašnjaci i šume dok su se površine pod vrtovima i livadama vrlo malo mijenjale. Danas se, otprilike, jedna trećina ravnokotarskog zemljišta obrađuje, jedna trećina je pod makijom/šikarom i šumom, a ostalo se koristi ili kao pašnjak ili je neplodno tj. izgrađeno zemljište. Kao studija slučaja je odabrana katastarska općina Nadin na primjeru koje je, koristeći krajobrazne metrike, iscrpnije istražen razvoj krajolika tj. korištenje zemljišta.
Abstract (english) The object of research in this dissertation was Ravni Kotari landscape, a central part of Littoral Croatia. Since there is no clear definition of Ravni Kotari region, regionalization was performed first, and four smaller regional units comprising Kotari were detected. The land use and formation of Ravni Kotari landscape in the past, since prehistory until today, was discussed from the viewpoint of historical geography. A total of six main cultural periods were determined during which Ravni Kotari landscape was formed: prehistory, Roman period, the Medieval period, the period of the Venetian-Ottoman supremacy, the 19th and the first half of the 20th century and the second half of the 20th century. In addition, unfavourable socio-political and economic factors that caused the interruptions i.e. discontinuities in the development of Ravni Kotari landscape were identified. They correspond to the period of the early Middle Ages, the 16th and 17th century and the Homeland War. The second part of the research included the analysis of land use change from the 18th until the 21st century. A comparison of spatial distribution and shares of each category of land was performed based on approximately 80 Ravni Kotari cadastral municipalities. Plough-fields, pastures and forests underwent the largest share changes in total surface of cadastral municipalities as well as entire Ravni Kotari area. On the other hand, shares of gardens and meadows remained mostly the same. Today, approximately one third of Ravni Kotari land is cultivated, one third is covered with bush/macchia and forest, and the rest is either used as pasture or is infertile (including built-up areas). The development of landscape i.e. land use was comprehensively researched using landscape metrics on a case study – Nadin cadastral municipality.
korištenje zemljišta
Ravni kotari
Keywords (english)
land use
Ravni Kotari
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:573217
Study programme Title: Geography Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica iz područja interdisciplinarnih područja-polje geografija (doktor/doktorica iz područja interdisciplinarnih područja-polje geografija)
Type of resource Text
Extent II, 269 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-08-01 07:43:01