Abstract | Mangrove su zajednice biljaka i biljne vrste, koje žive u područjima plime i oseke, te imaju različite morfološke i fiziološke prilagodbe na posebne uvjete okoliša. Mangrove žive u hipersalinim i gotovo anoksičnim tlima te stoga imaju zračno korijenje različitih oblika, koje omogućuje izmjenu plinova i opskrbu biljke kisikom, i različite mehanizme izbacivanja viška soli iz organizma. Zajednice mangrova pružaju dom mnogim vrstama beskralješnjaka i kralješnjaka, što ih čini područjima velike bioraznolikosti. Svojom specifičnom građom, pružaju zaštitu od vjetrova, valova te ponekad prirodnih katastrofa. Prave mangrove zauzimaju oko 15.2 milijuna hektara, nalazimo ih u 124 države i područja (na svim kontinentima, izuzev Antarktike i Europe), u tropskom i suptropskom području. Mangrove su raspoređene unutar 5 regija (Azija, Afrika (istočna i zapadna), Sjeverna i srednja Amerika, Oceanija i Južna Amerika). Na svijetu ima između 50 i 70 vrsta mangrova, a najveće područje mangrove zauzimaju u Aziji. Indonezija je područje najveće bioraznolikosti mangrova u Aziji i svijetu, s 43 vrste pravih mangrova. Cilj ovoga rada bio je opisati strukturu zajednica mangrova te njihov floristički sastav. Mangrove žive u estuarijima i deltama rijeka, uz morske obale i na sličnim staništima sa svakodnevnim promjenama razine mora. Samo se nekolicina vrsta uspjela prilagoditi takvim uvjetima okoliša; značajniji rodovi, detaljnije opisani u ovome radu su: Avicennia, Rhizophora, Laguncularia, Sonneratia, Bruguiera. |
Abstract (english) | Mangroves are plant communities and species of plants, which live in tidal zones, and have various morphological and physiological adaptations to special environmental conditions. Mangroves live in almost anoxic soils with high salinity and therefore have aerial roots of diverse forms, that enables gas exchange and oxygen supply, and different mechanisms for releasing excess salt from the organism. Mangrove communities are areas of high biodiversity by being a home for many species of invertebrates and vertebrates. Due to their specific build, they reduce erosion of the soil, protect from winds, waves and sometimes natural disasters. True mangroves take up about 15.2 million hectares, and are found in 124 countries and areas (on all continents, excluding Antarctic and Europe), in tropics and subtropics. Mangroves are distributed within 5 regions (Asia, Africa (east and west coast), North and Central America, Oceania and South America). There are 50 to 70 species of mangroves in the world, occupying the biggest area in Asia. Indonesia has the highest biodiversity in Asia and the world, with 43 true mangrove species. The goal of this paper was to describe the structure of mangrove communities and their floristic composition. They live in the river deltas and estuaries, sea shores and other areas in which frequent sea levels occur. Only a handful of species managed to adapt to such conditions; genuses that were focused on in this paper are: Avicennia, Rhizophora, Laguncularia, Sonneratia, Bruguiera. |