Title Taksonomska analiza i rasprostranjenost slatkovodnih puževa iz Zbirke Zoologijskog zavoda
Title (english) Taxonomic analysis and distribution of freshwater snails from the Collection of the Division of Zoology
Author Mateja Srkoč
Mentor Jasna Lajtner (mentor)
Committee member Jasna Lajtner (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Radanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Petrović Peroković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Draginja Mrvoš-Sermek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology
Abstract Osnovni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je izraditi Zbirku slatkovodnih puževa, provesti taksonomsku analizu vrsta te prikazati rasprostranjenost porodica slatkovodnih puževa na području Hrvatske. Slatkovodni puževi iz uzoraka skupljenih tijekom višegodišnjih malakoloških istraživanja, determinirani su do razine vrste ili podvrste, zabilježen je ukupan broj jedinki svake vrste, broj adultnih i juvenilnih jedinki te broj praznih kućica. Puževi su pohranjeni u plastične posude s 96 %-tnim alkoholom. Uzorcima je dodijeljen inventarni broj, lokaliteti su georeferencirani, a korištenjem programa Microsoft Excel 2010 napravljena je baza podataka. Zbirka sadrži 280 uzoraka u kojima se nalaze 43 vrste iz 12 porodica slatkovodnih puževa. Tri vrste su određene do nivoa podvrste. Prema IUCN kategorijama ugroženosti dvije su vrste gotovo ugrožene (NT), dvije su osjetljive (VU), dvije su nedovoljno poznate (DD), a 36 vrsta je najmanje zabrinjavajuće (LC). U Zbirci se nalazi 17 endema Europe od kojih su vrste Graziana papukensis, G. slavonica, Sadleriana supercarinata i Radomaniola curta germari endemi Hrvatske. Četiri vrste su strogo zaštićene, a Anisus vorticulus je dio ekološke mreže NATURA 2000 u Hrvatskoj. Niti jedna od vrsta koje se nalaze u Zbirci nije invaziva, a alohtone su Physella acuta i Ferrissia wautierii. Porodica s najvećim brojem vrsta, njih 11, je porodica Hydrobiidae, a slijedi porodica Planorbidae s 10 vrsta. Najveći areal rasprostranjenosti ima porodica Planorbidae koja je pronađena u čak 49 vodotoka, dok porodica Pyrguliidae ima najmanji areal i zastupljena je samo u rijeci Cetini. Porodice Emmericidae i Pyrgulidae prisutne su samo u vodotocima jadranskog slijeva dok je ostalih deset porodica zastupljeno u vodotocima jadranskog i crnomorskog slijeva. Rezultati ovog diplomskog rada poslužit će kao osnova za buduća istraživanja rasprostranjenosti i ugroženosti slatkovodnih puževa u Hrvatskoj, a Zbirka će se u budućnosti nadopunjavati novim uzorcima.
Abstract (english) The main objective of this graduation thesis was to create a Collection of freshwater snails, make a taxonomic analysis of species and display distribution of families of freshwater snails in the Croatian territory. Freshwater snails from samples collected during several years of malacological research, are determined by the level of species or subspecies. Than there was recorded a total number of individuals of each species, the number of adult and juvenile snails and the number of empty shells. The snails were kept in plastic containers which contain 96 % ethanol. Samples have inventory number, localities are georeferenced and using Microsoft Excel 2010, the database was created. The collection contains 280 samples in which there are 43 species from 12 families of freshwater snails. Three types are determined by the level of subspecies. According to the IUCN categories of threat, there are two types of near threatened (NT), two vulnerable (VU), two deficient (DD), and 36 species of least concern (LC). The Collection has 17 endemic species of Europe, and Graziana papukensis, G. slavonica, Sadleriana supercarinata and Radomaniola curta germari are endemic species of Croatia. Four species are strictly protected, and Anisus vorticulus is part of NATURA 2000 in Croatia. None of the species listed in the Collection is not invasive, and non-native are Physella acuta and Ferrissia wautierii. The family with the largest number of species, 11 of them, is the family Hydrobiidae, and Planorbidae family has 10 species. The highest areal distribution has family Planorbidae which was found in 49 watercourses, while the family Pyrguliidae has the smallest range and is represented only in the Cetina River. Families Emmericidae and Pyrgulidae are only present in rivers of the Adriatic watercourse, while the other ten families were represented in the rivers of the Adriatic and the Black Sea watercourse. The results of this graduation thesis will serve as a basis for future research into the extent and vulnerability of freshwater snails in Croatia, and the collection will be supplemented in the future with new samples.
malakološka zbirka
slatkovodni puževi
IUCN kategorije ugroženosti
karte rasprostranjenosti
Keywords (english)
malacological Collection
freshwater snails in Croatia
IUCN categories of threatened species
endemic species
distribution maps
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:439293
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education; specializations in: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education Course: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije biologije i kemije (magistar/magistra edukacije biologije i kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-04-24 08:43:46