Title Utjecaj alfa-cipermetrina i imidakloprida na oksidacijski stres u testisu i epididimisu štakora Wistar
Title (english) Effects of alfa-cypermethrine and imidacloprid on oxidative stress parameters in testes and epididymis of Wistar rats
Author Antonija Jančec
Mentor Blanka Tariba Lovaković (mentor)
Mentor Domagoj Đikić (sumentor)
Committee member Domagoj Đikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Radanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Juranović Cindrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Judaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology
Abstract U današnje vrijeme raste potrošnja novih vrsta insekticida, razvijenih kao zamjena konvencionalnim
organofosfatnim insekticidima, kao što su piretroidi ili "zeleni" insekticidi poput α-cipermetrina i
neonikotinoidne tvari poput imidakloprida. Dostupni podaci o njihovom utjecaju na reprodukcijski
sustav su oskudni ili preliminarni, a toksičnost niskih koncentracija navedenih insekticida do danas nije
detaljno proučena. U ovom je istraživanju ispitan utjecaj α-cipermetrina i imidakloprida na
... More parametre
oksidacijskog stresa primjenom pristupa s više biomarkera na uzorcima tkiva testisa i epididimisa
odraslih štakora soja Wistar. Životinje su oralnim putem uzastopno tijekom 28 dana tretirane
koncentracijskim razinama insekticida koje se mogu susresti u svakodnevnom životu, izračunatim na
temelju nekoliko toksikološki referentnih vrijednosti (0,02 (ADI); 0,15 (OEL); 0,80 (5×OEL); 2,20
(REL) mg α-cipermetrina/kg t.m./dan i 0,06 (ADI); 0,80 (10×AOEL); 2,25 (1/200 LD50) mg
imidakloprida/kg t.m./dan). Oba su insekticida uzrokovala značajno smanjenje prirasta mase tretiranih
životinja u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, ali je manji prosječan prirast mase uočen kod životinja
tretiranih α-cipermetrinom u odnosu na one tretirane imidaklopridom. Životinje tretirane najvišom
dozom imidakloprida imale su značajno manju masu testisa u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja
dok tretman α-cipermetrinom nije utjecao na promjenu mase testisa i epididimisa. Značajan porast
aktivnosti enzima glutation peroksidaze (GPx) u testisu uzrokovao je α-cipermetrin pri najvišoj
primijenjenoj dozi. Tretman α-cipermetrinom ili imidaklopridom rezultirao je značajanim porastom
koncentracije glutationa (GSH) i aktivnosti antioksidacijskih enzima GPx-a i bakar, cink-ovisne
superoksid dismutaze (CuZnSOD) u epididimisu. Tretman α-cipermetrinom uzrokovao je veći porast
koncentracije GSH u tretiranih životinja u usporedbi s imidaklopridom, ali je porast aktivnosti GPx-a
bio znatno manji nego kod tretmana imidaklopridom. Aktivnost CuZnSOD-a imala je sličan porast u
odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu kod oba tretmana. Less
Abstract (english) The use of pyrethroids such as α-cypermethrine, and neonicotinoid insecticides like imidacloprid has
been increasing during the past decade accompanied by the decline in use of organophosphate pesticides.
There are several reports indicating adverse health effects of α-cypermethrine and imidacloprid.
However, data on their effect on the reproductive system are scarce or preliminary, and the toxicity of
low concentrations of these insecticides has not been studied to date. The effects of
... More α-cypermethrine
and imidacloprid exposure on oxidative stress biomarkers in testes and epididymis were studied in adult
male Wistar rats treated with doses comparable to currently proposed health-based reference values.
Rats were orally administered with α-cypermethrine (0,02 (ADI); 0,15 (OEL); 0,80 (5×OEL); 2,20
(REL) mg/kg b.w./day) or imidacloprid (0,06 (ADI); 0,80 (10×AOEL); 2,25 (1/200 LD50) mg/kg
b.w./day) for 28 consecutive days. The results revealed that exposure to α-cypermethrine or imidacloprid
significantly decreased body weight gain in treated groups compared to the control group. However, the
average decrease was lesser in animals treated with α-cypermethrine, in comparison with those treated
with imidacloprid. The weight of testes was significantly lower in animals treated with the highest dose
of imidacloprid compared to controls, while treatment with α-cypermethrine had no effect on
testicular/epididymal weight. Present results revealed that treatment with α-cypermethrine resulted in a
statistically significant increase of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in testes at the highest applied
dose. Treatment with α-cypermethrine or imidacloprid resulted in a significant increase in the level of
reduced glutathione (GSH) in epididymis and in the activities of epididymal GPx and Cu, Zn superoxide
dismutase (CuZnSOD). When compared to the treatment with imidacloprid, treatment with αcypermethrine caused a greater increase of the GSH concentration in treated animals. Nevertheless, the
increase of the GPx activity was lesser in the treatment with α-cypermethrine, than in the treatment with
imidacloprid. The CuZnSOD activity had a similar increase in comparison with the control group in
both treatments. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:824319
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education; specializations in: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education Course: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije biologije i kemije (magistar/magistra edukacije biologije i kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-07-15 10:49:37