Abstract | Šišmiši su jedini leteći sisavci, pa kao takvi imaju vrlo specifične prilagodbe. Vrlo su dinamične i pokretljive vrste, a kako bi mogli letjeti, potrebno je bilo izgubiti na masi. Gubitkom mase izgubili su i određen dio genoma. Zbog gubitka dijelova genoma razvijena je mogućnost zaraze patogenima, ali bez upale. Zbog toga šišmiši mogu biti vrlo nezgodni jer bez simptoma prenose bolesti na druge vrste, kao što se pokazalo u raznim pandemijama uzrokovanim koronavirusima (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2).U ovom je radu opisan život šišmiša i njihove navike, opisan je mikrobiom šišmiša koji je još nedovoljno opsežno istražen i navedeni su neki patogeni koji mogu biti štetniji za druge vrste nego za njih same. Šišmiši predstavljaju vrlo interesantne organizem koji se po raznim karakteristikama razlikuju od ostalih sisavaca i stoga bi trebali biti opsežnije istraženi. |
Abstract (english) | Bats are the only flying mammals, taking that into account, they have very specific adaptations. They are very dynamic and active, but, in order to fly, they had to lose weight. With losing weight, they lost a part of their genome. Because they lost parts of their genome, they created a possibility to get infected by pathogens, but without the inflammation. Because of this, bats can be very inconvinient, as they transmit pathogens onto other species without showing signs of infection themselves, like it was shown with different pandemics caused by coronaviruses (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2). In this work, we described the life of a bat and his habits, the microbiome that is unfortunately, still insufficiently explored, and we listed some pathogens that can be more harmful for other species, than bats. Bats represent a very interesting organism, which doesnt follow the norm set by the other mammals, and being like that, they should be more thoroughly explored |