Abstract | Plemenita periska (Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758) je endemska vrsta Sredozemnog mora i najveći školjkaš Jadranskog mora. Pripada podrazredu Filibranchia, redu Ostreida i porodici Pinnidae. Sesilni je organizam koji je djelomično zakopan u pjeskovitom i muljevitom dnu te je pričvršćen bisusnim nitima na oblutke u sedimentu. Zbog zaštite najčešće ih se može naći na rubu livada morskih cvjetnica Posidonia oceanica ((Linnaeus) Delile, 1813) i Cymodocea nodosa ((Ucria) Ascherson, 1870). Sukcesivni je hermafrodit čije se veliger ličinke prenose morskom strujom. Živi u simbiozi sa dvije vrste Decapoda: Pontonia pinnophylax i Nepinnotheres pinnotheres što joj daje dodatnu zaštitu od predatora. Razna istraživanja dovela su do uspješnih metoda sakupljanja mladih jedinki plemenite periske pomoću kolektora. Postoji veliki broj znanstvenih radova u kojima se obrađuje gustoća populacija u Sredozemnom moru, a najviše populacija se nalazi uz obalu država Italije, Španjolske, Tunisa, Grčke i Hrvatske. Staništa P. nobilis se uništavaju i djelovanjem čovjeka, najviše negativnih posljedica na vrstu imaju ilegalno vađenje jedinki, sidrenje brodova, onečišćenje okoliša, dolazak invazivnih vrsta i klimatske promjene. Brojnost populacija se počela snižavati zbog onečišćenja i uništavanja staništa, a 2019. godine u Španjolskoj se prvi put uočio masovni pomor jedinki P. nobilis. Istraživanja su otkrila da je uzročnik patogen Haplosporidium pinnae. Prisustvo patogena vidljivo je tek kada jedinka oboli. Jedno od posljedica je nemogućnost zatvaranja ljušturi što dovodi do nemogućnosti obrane od predatora. Do 2020. godine patogen se proširio cijelim Sredozemnim morem. Društvo istraživača mora 20 000 milja 2019. godine prvi put je zabilježilo prisustvo patogena i u Jadranskom moru kod otoka Koločep, Lopud, Jakljan i Šipan. |
Abstract (english) | Noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758) is endemic species to the Mediterranean Sea and it is the largest bivalve in Adriatic Sea. It belongs to the subclass Flibrancia, the order Ostreida and the family Pinnidae. P. nobilis is a sessile organism that is partially buried in sandy and muddy seabed where is attached by byssus on cobble in sediment. For protection, they can most often be found on the edge of meadows of seagrass Posidonia oceanica ((Linnaeus) Delile, 1813) and Cymodocea nodosa ((Ucria) Ascherson, 1870). P. nobilis is a successive hermaphrodite whose larva are spread out by sea currents. Lives in symbiosis with two species of Decapods: Pontonia pinnophylax and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres which gives P. nobilis extra protection from predators. Various researches have led to successful methods of collecting young individuals of noble pen shell using collectors. There are a large number of scientific papers on the topic of population density in the Mediterranean Sea and most populations are located along the coasts of Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Greece and Croatia. P. nobilis habitats are also being destroyed by human activity, with the most negative consequences for the species being the illegal extraction of individuals, the anchoring of boats, environmental pollution, the arrival of invasive species and climate change. Populations began to decline due to pollution and habitat destruction, and then in 2019, a mass mortality of P. nobilis was detected in Spain for the first time. Research has revealed that the pathogen Haplosporidium pinnae is cause of the collapse of P. nobilis populations. The presence of pathogen is visible only when the individual becomes ill. One of the consequences is the inability to close the valves which leads to the inability to defend against predators. By 2020, the pathogen had spread throughout the Mediterranean. Marine Explorers Society 20.000 leagues in 2019 for the first time recorded the presence of pathogen in the Adriatic Sea near the islands of Koločep, Lopud, Jakljan and Šipan. |