Title Učeničko razumijevanje procesa fotosinteze
Title (english) Understanding the processes of photosynthessis by students in elementary school and high school
Author Željka Ivandija Goll
Mentor Ines Radanović (mentor)
Committee member Ines Radanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Vidaković-Cifrek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Petrović Peroković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Draginja Mrvoš-Sermek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology
Abstract Analizom razlika i sličnosti pri razumijevanju procesa fotosinteze kod učenika 5. razreda osnovne škole te učenika 1. i 3. razreda gimnazija utvrđivana je realizacija izgradnje koncepata tijekom osnovnog i gimnazijskog školovanja. Konceptualnom pisanom provjerom, te kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom analizom rezultata provjerena je usvojenost i konceptualno razumijevanje koncepata važnih za razumijevanje procesa fotosinteze: odnosa plinova u životnim procesima biljke tijekom noći; važnost reakcije za život na Zemlji; utjecaj Sunčevog zračenja na proces; značaj vode u procesu te prijenos energije kroz procese i hranidbene lance. U usvojenosti gradiva i povezivanju navedenih koncepata kod većine učenika prevladava neuspjeh, dok konceptualno razumijevanje postižu samo najpredaniji i najuspješniji učenici. Propisani nastavni sadržaji programa prirode i biologije praćeni su prezentiranim sadržajima u udžbenicima odobrenima od Ministarstva obrazovanja za razrede u kojima je provedeno konceptualno testiranje, koristeći za svaki razred po dva udžbenika različitih autora. Njihovom analizom je provjerena operacionalizacija u udžbenicima u osnovnom i gimnazijskom obrazovanju i postojanje uvjeta pri kojima učenici mogu razviti razumijevanje koncepata fotosinteze i s njim povezanim konceptom disanja. Provjerene su i miskoncepcije, koje se javljaju kod učenika i nastavnika pri učenju i poučavanju, te njihovo zadržavanje kroz cijelo obrazovanje, a neke od utvrđenih su: biljka koristi CO2 i pretvara ga u O2 u fotosintezi, biljke po noći uzimaju kisik, biljke udišu ugljikov dioksid, nastaje kisik potreban nama za disanje, sunce daje biljkama šećer, svjetlost je potrebna za rast i razvoj.
Abstract (english) The analysis of similarities and differences in the understanding of the process of photosynthesis in students fifth graders and students first and third grade high school was determined realization of the concepts in elementary and high school education. Conceptual written test, and qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results was checked by the acquisition and conceptual understanding of concepts important for understanding the process of photosynthesis: relationship gases in the life processes of plants during the night, the importance of reactions to life on Earth, the impact of solar radiation on the process, the importance of water in the process and transfer of energy through the processes and food chains. The acquisition of content and linking these concepts in most students' predominant failure, while conceptual understanding achieved by only the most dedicated and successful students. Prescribed curricular content of nature and biology were followed presented content in the textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education for classes that participated in the conceptual testing, using for each class of two books by different authors. Their analysis is validated operationalization of textbooks in primary and secondary education and the existence of the conditions under which students can develop an understanding of the concepts of photosynthesis and related concept of breathing. Checked and misconceptions that occur among students and teachers in learning and teaching, and their retention throughout education, and some of the identified are: plant uses CO2 and converts it into O2 in photosynthesis, plants take oxygen at night, occurs because oxygen is required us to breathe, the sun gives plants sugar, light is needed for growth and development.
konceptualno razumijevanje
Keywords (english)
conceptual understanding
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:029108
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education; specializations in: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education Course: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Biology and Chemistry Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije biologije i kemije (magistar/magistra edukacije biologije i kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-04-27 08:28:12