Abstract | U radu je ispitan učinak pepela iz drvne industrije u uklanjanju fosfata i njegov utjecaj na bakterije u sekundarnom efluentu iz uređaja za biološko pročišćavanje otpadne vode. Dodatak tri različita uzorka pepela (H, L, C) u koncentraciji od 10 g L-1 u efluent, rezultiralo je uklanjanjem 95,3±1,3% fosfata, velikim porastom pH vrijednosti (uzorak L 11,25±0,55, uzorak H 8,91±0,31 te uzorak C 12,69±0,16) i stopom preživljavanja bakterijske populacije za uzorak L i C koji iznosi 0%. Dodatak 1 g L-1 pepela u efluent rezultirao je uklanjanjem fosfata za uzorak C 72,4±0,3% L 57,9±0,1%, uzorak H 31,0±0,1% te uzorak manjim porastom pH vrijednosti u odnosu na prethodne rezultate u iznosu za uzorak H 8,67±0,14 L 8,91±0,09, uzorak te uzorak C 9,80±0,25. Stopa preživljavanja bakterijske populacije za sva tri uzorka iznosila je 93,95±7,27%. Može se zaključiti da je pepeo drveta potencijalno vrlo učinkovit adsorbent za uklanjanje fosfata iz otpadnih voda te pravilnim doziranjem neće imati štetni utjecaj na okoliš. |
Abstract (english) | This study examined the effect of the fly ash from the wood industry in the removal of phosphate and its effect on bacteria in the secondary effluent from the biological treatment of wastewater. The addition of three different samples of fly ash (H, L, C) at a concentration of 10 g L-1 in the effluent resulted in the removal of 95,3±1,3% phosphorus, a large increase in pH (sample H 8,91±0,31, sample L 11,25±0,55 and sample C 12,69±0,16) and survival rate of the bacterial population of the sample L and C which was 0%. The addition of 1 g L-1 ash effluent resulted in the removal of phosphorus sample H 31,0 ± 0,1% , sample L 57,9± 0,1% and sample C 72,4±0,3%, a smaller increase in pH values compared to previous results in the amount of sample H 8,67±0,14, sample L 8,91±0,09 and sample C 9,8±0,25. The survival rate of the bacterial population of the three samples was 93,95±7,27%. The conclusion is that, the fly ash is potentially very effective adsorbent for removing phosphate from wastewater and the appropriate dosage will have no effect on the environment. |