Title Kvantni aspekti crnih rupa
Title (english) Quantum aspects of black holes
Author Jamal Hammoud
Mentor Maro Cvitan (mentor)
Committee member Maro Cvitan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Smolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Poljak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Horvatić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Pajić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract Cilj rada je istražiti modernu literaturu vezanu uz kvantne aspekte crnih rupa, paradoks informacije i problem vatrozida. Terminologija potrebna za razumijevanje argumenata se uvodi u prva dva poglavlja rada, a zatim se u trećem i četvrtom poglavlju izlažu formulacija paradoksa informacije crnih rupa, popratnih problema te se obraduju neka standardna rješenja. Prvo poglavlje uvodi koncepte iz kvantne statističke fizike te teorije informacije, kao što su matrice gustoće te definicije entropije,
... More isprepletenosti i informacije. U drugom se poglavlju izlažu termodinamika i evaporacija crnih rupa te određeni aspekti kvantne teorije polja na zakrivljenim pozadinama. To pokriva osnovne matematičke i fizikalne alate, uz aspekte opće teorije relativnosti koji su uvedeni u dodatku B, koji su potrebni za razumijevanje ostatka rada. Sljedeća dva poglavlja pokrivaju dvije formulacije paradoksa informacija crnih rupa: elementarnu i modernu, te objašnjavaju moguće načine da se paradoks riješi. U tim se poglavljima crne rupe razmatraju kao kvantno mehanički sustavi te se argumentiraju svojstva njihove evaporacije i Hawkingovog zračenja. Detaljno se objašnjavaju ideje komplementarnosti crnih rupa, AMPS argumenta te problema kloniranja. Najviše se fokusira na posljedice AMPS argumenta, te se objašnjava kako je popularno mišljenje u znanstvenoj zajednici sredinom prošlog desetljeća završilo na ideji da se na horizontu crne rupe nalazi takozvani vatrozid. U zadnjem se poglavlju opisuju još neki zahtjevniji pristupi, kao što su strunaste crne rupe te ER=EPR, ali u značajno manje detalja. Less
Abstract (english) The purpose of this work is to explore the modern literature relating to the quantum aspects of black holes, the information paradox and firewalls. The terminology necessary to understand the rest of the work is introduced in the first two sections. The following two sections then present the information paradox itself, as well as a few related problems and their possible resolutions. The first section presents aspects of quantum statistical mechanics and information theory, such as density
... More matrices as well as definitions of entropy, entanglement and information. The second section introduces black hole thermodynamics and evaporation, as well as some aspects of quantum field theory on curved backgrounds. This covers the mathematical and physical prerequisites, alongside appendix B which goes over the general relativity relevant to the work. The following two sections present two formulations of the information paradox: the elementary and the modern approach, as well as some of the numerous ways in which one can attempt to resolve the paradox. In those sections, black holes are considered as quantum mechanical systems and features of their evaporation and Hawking radiation are explored. Black hole complementarity, the cloning problem and the AMPS paradox are covered in great detail. The AMPS paradox is thoroughly explored and explained why, during the last decade, the idea of firewalls seems to have prevailed as the most popular solution to the AMPS paradox. The last section mentions a few of the more advanced approaches, such as fuzzballs and ER=EPR, but in far less detail. Less
opća teorija relativnosti
kvnanta mehanika
statistička fizika
termodinamika crnih rupa
Hawkingovo zračenje
kvantna teorija polja na zakrivljenim pozadinama
Pageovo vrijeme
paradoks informacije
komplementarnost crnih rupa
problem vatrozida
strunaste crne rupe
Keywords (english)
General theory of relativity
quantum mechanics
statistical mechanics
black hole thermodynamics
Hawking radiation
quantum field theory on curved spacetimes
information paradox
non unitarity
black hole complementarity
the firewall argument
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:885370
Study programme Title: Physics; specializations in: Research Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizike (magistar/magistra fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-08 13:46:28