Title Poveznice u nastavi informatike u osnovnoj školi
Title (english) Links in the teaching of informatics in primary school
Author Lucija Marinčić
Mentor Goranka Nogo (mentor)
Committee member Goranka Nogo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vanja Wagner (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Radunović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rudi Mrazović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Ovaj rad sastoji se od 5 poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju nalazi se pregled uvodnog dijela kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Informatike za osnovne škole i gimnazije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Dane su tablice poveznica nastavnog predmeta Informatike s drugim nastavnim predmetima i međupredmetnim temama od petog do osmog razreda, s opisom odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda. U drugom poglavlju analiziran je peti razred, te su navedeni primjeri koji se mogu povezati sa svim odgojno-obrazovnim ishodima u kurikulumu za
... More peti razred. Osim poveznica s Matematikom, Informatikom i Likovnom kulturom, Održivim razvojem i Zdravljem (prevencija nasilja) u udžbeničkim kompletima i metodičkim priručnicima pronađeni su primjeri povezani s Engleskim jezikom i Geografijom. U trećem poglavlju analizirane su poveznice šestog razreda. Osim poveznica s Matematikom, Likovnom kulturom i Održivim razvojem pronađeni su primjeri poveznica s Hrvatskim jezikom, Geografijom, Prirodom, Tjelesnom i zdravstvenom kulturom i međupredmetnom temom Zdravlje. U četvrtom poglavlju proučavane su poveznice sedmog razreda. Osim poveznica s Matematikom, Kemijom i Likovnom kulturom te međupredmetnim temama Građanski odgoj i obrazovanje i Održivi razvoj koje se navedene u kurikulumu pronađene su poveznice s nastavnim predmetima Geografije, Fizike i Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. U petom poglavlju obrađen je osmi razred. Osim poveznica s Kemijom, Matematikom i Likovnom kulturom pronađene su poveznice s nastavnim predmetima Biologije, Fizike i Geografije. Prilikom opisa, ispod svakog primjera navedeni su i odgojno-obrazovni ishodi koji se postižu, alati potrebni za izradu zadatka i način provedbe. Većina navedenih primjera zahtijeva određeno vrijeme rada, stoga se mogu realizirati kao projektni zadaci. Less
Abstract (english) This graduate thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter contains an overview of the introductory part of curriculum of Informatics for middle school and gymnasiums in the Republic of Croatia. Tables linking the course of Informatics with other teaching subjects and inter-subjects from fifth to eight grade with description of learning outcomes. The second chapter analyses the fifth grade and provides examples that can be associated with all learning outcomes from curriculum in fifth
... More grade. Apart from cross-curricular connections with Mathematics, Informatics, and Art Culture, Sustainable development and Health (prevention of violence) in textbooks and other learning and teaching resources were found examples related to English language and Geography. The third chapter analyses sixth grade cross-curricular connections. Apart from Mathematics, Art culture, and Sustainable development there have been found examples of correalations with the Croatian language, Geography, Nature, Physical and health education, and the inter-subject Health. The fourth chapter examines seventh grade cross-curricular connections. In addition to connections with Mathematics, Chemistry, and the Art culture, the inter-subjects Civil Education and Sustainable development listed in curriculum there have been found correlations with subjects Geography, Physics, and Physical and health education. The fifth chapter deals with eight grade. In addition to cross-curricular connections with Chemistry, Mathematics, and Art culture connections were also found to the subjects of Biology, Physics, and Geography. During the description, below each example are listed learning outcomes achieved, tools necessary for task creation and method of implementation. Most of these examples require a certain period of work, so they can be realized as project tasks. Less
kurikulum Informatike
odgojno-obrazovnim ishodi
projektni zadaci
Keywords (english)
curriculum of Informatics for middle school and gymnasiums
learning outcomes
project tasks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:865439
Study programme Title: Mathematics and Computer Science Education; specializations in: Mathematics and Computer Science Education Course: Mathematics and Computer Science Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije matematike i informatike (magistar/magistra edukacije matematike i informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-15 12:11:02