Abstract | Suvremena prehrambena industrija nezamisliva je bez upotrebe prehrambenih aditiva, tvari koje omogućavaju postizanje željenih obilježja kao što su okus, izgled, postojanost, otpornost kvarenju, dugotrajnost, lakša manipulacija tijekom skladištenja i transporta. Za brojne aditive se i danas provode istraživanja njihove sigurnosti i prihvatljivosti u hrani, također postoje i razlike u prihvaćenosti, tj. u zakonskoj regulative u pojedinim zemalja. Republika Hrvatska (RH) provodi vlastitu legislativu u suradnji s nadležnim tijelima Europske unije (EU). Unatoč nedostacima i problemima pri upotrebi prehrambenih aditiva, te kontroverzi upotrebe prisutne u javnosti, neosporna je činjenica da bi hrana bila bitno skuplja bez njihove upotrebe. Namjena rada je pojasniti pojam i temeljna obilježja, prednosti i nedostatke prehrambenih aditiva u koje pripadaju boje, konzervansi, antioksidansi, emulgatori, stabilizatori, zgušnjivači, pojačivači okusa, tvari za zaslađivanje ili sladila, modificirani škrob i drugi. |
Abstract (english) | The modern food industry is unthinkable without the use of food additives, substances that enable the achievement of desired properties such as taste, appearance, stability, resistance to spoilage, durability, easier handling during storage and transportation. For many additives, research on their safety and acceptability is still carried out today, and there are also differences in acceptability, i.e. in the legal regulations of individual countries. The Republic of Croatia implements its own legislation in cooperation with the competent authorities of the European Union (EU). Despite the shortcomings and problems in the use of food additives, and the public controversy about their use, it is an unavoidable fact that food would be significantly more expensive without their use. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept and basic characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of food additives, which include colorants, preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, modified starch and so on. |