Title Uvjerenja i metodičko znanje budućih nastavnika kemije u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Beliefs and pedagogical content knowledge of Croatian pre-service chemistry teachers
Author Lana Šojat
Mentor Silvija Markić https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3373-5508 (mentor)
Committee member Viljemka Bučević Popović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Orhanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Marangunić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragica Trivić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Anđelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Science Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Abstract Ključna karika u obrazovnom lancu, i u samom nastavnom procesu i u provedbi različitih reformi, upravo su nastavnici. Iz literature je poznata važnost metodičkog znanja nastavnika i uvjerenja o učenju i poučavanju, kao i njihov utjecaj na načine poučavanja, znanstvenu pozadinu nastavnih sadržaja te organizaciju i provedbu samog nastavnog procesa. Upravo bi zbog toga metodičko znanje i uvjerenja trebali biti jedno od središnjih pitanja i zanimanja obrazovnih istraživanja metodičara te biti razvijana u skladu sa suvremenim teorijama odgoja i obrazovanja. Ovo istraživanje procjenjuje uvjerenja i metodičko znanje budućih nastavnika kemije u Hrvatskoj u tri faze njihovog obrazovanja, ovisno o kolegiju Metodika nastave kemije. Longitudinalno anketno istraživanje provodi se pomoću standardiziranog upitnika s pitanjima otvorenog tipa i crtežom (uvjerenja) te pitanjima otvorenog tipa o sedam kemijskih koncepata vezanih uz čestičnu prirodu tvari (metodičko znanje) prema Loughran i sur. Odgovori vezani uz uvjerenja unaprijed su kodirani kao tradicionalna i suvremena uvjerenja. Analiza dobivenih podataka provodi se prema obrascu procjene temeljenom na tri kategorije – uvjerenja o organizaciji nastave, o ciljevima nastave te o učenju. Podaci dobiveni kvalitativnom analizom vezani uz metodičko znanje svrstani su u jednu od tri formiranih kategorija metodičkog znanja: prva razina, druga razina ili pak treća razina metodičkog znanja. Uvjerenja o učenju i poučavanju većine ispitanika, neovisno o fazi provedbe istraživanja, više su tradicionalna s nastavnikom kao nosiocem aktivnosti u nastavi. Prva i druga razina zbirnog metodičkog znanja zastupljenije su neovisno o fazi provedbe istraživanja, dok su određena odstupanja uočena kod rezultata na razini sveučilišta. Razina metodičkog znanja u većoj mjeri zavisi o domeni metodičkog znanja nego li o ispitivanom konceptu. Provedeno istraživanja daje ne samo procjenu uvjerenja i metodičkog znanja, već je praćen i njihov razvoj kroz sveučilišno obrazovanje. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao polazišna točka za osvješćivanje, a kasnije i razvoj, uvjerenja i metodičkog znanja budućih nastavnika kemije u skladu sa suvremenim teorijama odgoja i obrazovanja.
Abstract (english) Changes in the educational system need strong support from and connection to teachers who are a key factor in changing the chemistry classroom reality. Starting from the research, the importance of Beliefs and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for teacher's actions in the classroom is well known. Both factors influence teachers' representation of science, their science knowledge and their organisation of knowledge. Thus, pre-service teachers' Beliefs and PCK need to be examined and sought out by educators. They should be developed into the direction of teaching chemistry due to recent reforms and teaching and learning theories. The presented longitudinal study evaluates Croatian pre-service Chemistry teachers' Beliefs about teaching and learning and their PCK about Particle Theory at the three different time points of their university teacher training programs. To determine their Beliefs participants were instructed to draw themselves as chemistry teachers in a typical classroom situation and to answer four open questions. Data analysis follows a pattern representing a range between the predominance of more traditional versus more modern teaching orientations in line with the educational theory focusing on the Beliefs about Classroom organisation, Beliefs about Teaching objectives and Epistemological Beliefs. The study on PCK is based on open-ended questions following the frame of PCK and Big Ideas about Particle Theory by Loughran et al. Data analysis follows the pattern of graduating the PCK of the participants at the novice, intermediate or advanced level. The data, regardless of the time point, depictured mostly traditional and teacher-centered beliefs about teaching and learning. The results about PCK show that pre-service chemistry teachers' PCK is mostly on the novice or intermediate level on the national level, regardless of the time point, while the results for particular universities show some differences. The level of the PCK depends rather on the component of the PCK than on the Big Idea. The conducted research provides not only an assessment of beliefs and PCK, but also their development through university education. Therefore, the study can be an excellent starting point for chemistry teacher education in university for detecting and developing Beliefs and PCK.
uvjerenja o učenju i poučavanju
metodičko znanje
čestična priroda tvari
obrazovne reforme
obrazovanje budućih nastavnika
Keywords (english)
beliefs about teaching and learning
pedagogical content knowledge
particle theory
educational reforms
pre-service teachers' education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:166:833371
Study programme Title: Postgraduate University Study in Education Research in Natural and Technical Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u interdisciplinarnom području znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u interdisciplinarnom području znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 158 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-10 13:08:02