Title Simulations of K-Ras GTPase Mutagenesis
Title (croatian) Simulacije mutageneze K-Ras GTPaze
Author Viktorija Dujmović
Mentor Dražen Petrov (mentor)
Mentor Mislav Cvitković (pomoć pri izradi, neposredni voditelj)
Committee member Larisa Zoranić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Bilušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mislav Cvitković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lucija Krce (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Petrov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Split
Defense date and country 2024-08-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract Kirsten rat sarcoma (K-Ras) protein is a signaling GTPase which has an important role in the Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Using the methods of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, in this thesis we will investigate if and how does the specific mutagenesis of K-Ras protein affect its signaling properties. The mutation studied here is G12C, as it is predominant in humans. K-Ras exists in an active state when it binds to a GTP molecule, and then it signals the activation of MAPK pathway, whose functions include proliferation and growth of cells. By a hydrolysis GTP to GDP molecule, K-Ras gets into an inactive state. As it is observed that irregularities in K-Ras signaling lead to development of cancer, simulations of its mutagenesis become more relevant to show the exact mechanisms of binding GTP/GDP molecules. In this thesis we have calculated the free energy using the method of thermodynamic integration on MD simulations and performed the analysis of the trajectories from the same set of simulations. The results reveal that the binding affinity of GTP/GDP molecule changes depending on whether it binds to the wild type or mutated protein. Apparent inconsistencies in results between identical replicas, as well as a prominent hysteresis between different directions in simulations of the same perturbation system is discussed. In order to understand these inconsistencies, a thorough analysis of simulation trajectories is exploited. It is shown that such a lack of the full reproducibility of the simulation replicas emerges from the inconsistencies in the formation of h-bond between cysteine and GTP molecule, whereas the hysteresis is a consequence of the conformational changes in the Switch loops of K-Ras protein. In other words, a mutated protein favours the active state, which directly influences the activity of the MAPK pathway, which in turn leads to a cancer development.
Abstract (croatian) K-Ras (eng. Kirsten rat sarcoma) protein je signalna GTPaza koja igra važnu ulogu u radu signalnog puta mitogenom-aktiviranih proteinskih kinaza (MAPK). U ovom radu ćemo koristeći molekulsko-dinamičke (MD) simulacije istražiti mogući utjecaj specifične mutageneze K-Ras proteina na njegova signalna svojstva. Promatrana je mutacija G12C koja je predominantna kod ljudi. K-Ras je u aktivnom stanju kad veže molekulu GTP-a te tada signalizira aktivaciju MAPK signalnog puta čija funkcija je među ostalim proliferacija i rast stanica. Hidrolizom GTP-a do molekule GDP-a K-Ras pada u neaktivno stanje. Pokazano je da poremećaji u signaliranju K-Ras proteinom dovode do razvoja karcinoma. Stoga su simulacije njegove mutageneze relevantne da bi se pokazali točni mehanizmi vezanja molekula GTP-a/GDP-a. U ovom radu izračunali smo slobodne energije primjenjujući metodu termodinamičke integracije na MD simulacijama i napravili analizu trajektorija istog skupa simulacija. Istraživanje je pokazalo da se afinitet vezanja molekule GTP-a/GDP-a mijenja ovisno o tome veže li se na protein divljeg tipa ili na njegovu mutaciju. Simulacije su pokazale nedosljednost u rezultatima između identičnih replika sustava i histerezu među simulacijama istog sustava perturbiranog u suprotnim smjerovima. Ove nedosljednosti opravdane su ekstenzivnom analizom trajektorija. Pokazano je da nereproducibilnost replika proizlazi iz nepouzdanog stvaranja vodikove veze između cisteina i molekule GTP-a, dok je histereza posljedica konformacijskih promjena tzv. Switch– petlji K-Ras proteina. Kao glavni rezultat izdvaja se izračun slobodnih energija koji pokazuje da je vezanje molekule GTP-a preferirano stanje mutiranog proteina. Drugim riječima, mutirani protein preferira aktivno stanje čime utječe na aktivnost cijeloga MAPK signalnog puta te dovodi do razvoja karcinoma.
MD simulations
Free energy
Termodynamic integration
Keywords (croatian)
MD simulacije
Slobodna energija
Termodinamička integracija
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:166:737906
Study programme Title: Physics; specializations in: specialization in Education, specialization in Astrophysics and Elementary Particle Physics, specialization in Biophysics, specialization in Environmental Physics, specialization in Computational Physics Course: specialization in Biophysics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra fizike (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-08-30 11:38:21