Title Metodičko znanje o kemijskim vezama s naglaskom na jezična pitanja u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Pedagogical content knowledge about chemical bonding with particular focus on language issues in Croatia
Author Roko Vladušić
Mentor Robert Bucat (mentor) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Committee member Nenad Judaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dean Ajduković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvija Markić (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Committee member Tonća Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Orhanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Science Split
Defense date and country 2017-10-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Abstract Prepoznajući važnost, ali i problematičnost razumijevanja modela kovalentnog i ionskog vezivanja, osmišljeno je i provedeno istraživanje o poteškoćama i nastavnim rješenjima za osnaživanje metodičkog znanja (MZ) o kemijskom vezivanju. Postavljena su tri cilja: (a) utvrditi studentsko razumijevanje određenih riječi i simbola koje se koristi u nastavi kemije te pratiti osviještenost budućih nastavnika o pozornosti koju treba pridati jeziku nastave kemije; (b) istražiti razumijevanje modela
... More ionskog i kovalentnog vezivanja na svim razinama obrazovnog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) i (c) osmisliti metodu za dijagnozu pogrešnih poimanja budućih nastavnika kemije o ionskom i kovalentnom vezivanju, rekonstrukciju znanja predmetnog sadržaja i identifikaciju pokazatelja MZ-a te istražiti njezine istraživačke i nastavne potencijale. S obzirom na ciljeve, istraživanje je organizirano u tri cjeline: u prvoj su istraživani problemi jezika, u drugoj razumijevanje modela kovalentnog i ionskog vezivanja, a u trećoj dijagnostički i edukacijski potencijali metode Otvoreni intervju. Primijenjene su različite kvantitativne i kvalitativne metode i instrumenti. U pojedinim su fazama istraživanja sudjelovali učenici srednjih škola, studenti prirodoslovno-matematičkih fakulteta i srednjoškolski nastavnici kemije. Mnogi studenti uključeni u ovo istraživanje nisu iskazali zadovoljavajuće razumijevanje značenja tehničkih (znanstvenih) pojmova, simboličkih prikaza i svakodnevnih riječi koje se koriste u učenju i poučavanju kemijskog vezivanja, odnosno kemije općenito. Predodžbe studenata o učeničkom razumijevanju razmatranih pojmova nisu stabilne. Najčešće se temelje na vlastitom znanju. Utvrđeno je da se OZO metodom može povećati svijest studenata o postojanju poteškoća s razumijevanjem riječi i simbola nastave kemije. Neadekvatno je znanje o ionskom i kovalentnom vezivanju utvrđeno na svim razinama obrazovanja u RH. Evidentirana su brojna pogrešna poimanja. Uz potvrđeni potencijal metode za stjecanje MZ-a budućih nastavnika kemije, OI se pokazao učinkovitom metodom za identifikaciju i ispravljanje pogrešnih poimanja. Ipak, za postizanje dugotrajnih učinaka preporučuju se dodatna nastavna rješenja. Less
Abstract (english) Recognising the importance, as well as the problematic understanding of models of covalent and ionic bonding, research into issues and instructional responses was designed and conducted for the purpose of enhancement of pedagogical content knowledge related to chemical bonding. Three objectives were set: (a) To determine the Faculty students’ understandings of certain words and symbols used in chemistry instruction and to monitor the pre-service teachers’ awareness of attention needed
... More to be given to the language of chemistry instruction; (b) to research the understanding of covalent and ionic bonding models at all levels of the chemistry education system in Croatia and (c) to develop a method for diagnosis of misconceptions related to covalent and ionic bonding, reconstruction of content knowledge and identification of evidence of growth of PCK amongst pre-service teachers, as well as to research the investigational and instructional potential of this method. With regard to the aims, the research is organized in three parts: in the first, language problems are researched, the second is focused on the understandings of chemical bonding concepts and the third part is dedicated to research into the diagnostic and educational potential of the Open interview (OI) method. Various quantitative and qualitative methods and diagnostic instruments were implemented. High school students, Faculty of Science students and high school chemistry teachers were involved in various stages of the research. It was found that many students involved in this research did not demonstrate satisfactory understanding of the meaning of the technical (science) terms, symbolic representations, and everyday words regularly used in teaching and learning about chemical bonding, or chemistry in general. Faculty students’ perceptions about high school students’ understandings of considered terms are not stable. In the most cases, these perceptions are reflections of their own knowledge. It was found that the EKE (expectation-knowledge-expectation) method could be effective in enhancing students’ awareness of the existence of difficulties with understanding of the words and symbols of chemistry instruction. Inadequate knowledge about covalent and ionic bonding is found at all levels of chemistry education in Croatia. There is evidence of a large number of misconceptions. As well as the confirmed potential of OI for acquisition of PCK, this method has been shown to be effective for identification and rectification of pre-service teachers’ misunderstandings. However, to achieve long-term effectiveness, additional instructional strategies are recommended. Less
metodičko znanje
kovalentno vezivanje
ionsko vezivanje
jezik nastave kemije
Otvoreni intervju
Keywords (english)
Pedagogical content knowledge
covalent bonding
ionic bonding
language of chemistry instruction
Open interview
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:166:394728
Study programme Title: Science and Engineering Education Research Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz interdisciplinarnih područja znanosti polje obrazovne znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz interdisciplinarnih područja znanosti polje obrazovne znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 300 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-12 11:36:00