Title Analiza izvaninstitucionalne skrbi za osobe oboljele od demencije
Title (english) Analysis of non-institutional care for persons suffering from dementia
Author Petra Škrnjug
Mentor Marijana Kletečki Radović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Kletečki Radović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Olja Družić Ljubotina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Opačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Theory and Methods of Social Work) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Theory of Social Work
Abstract Kako stanovništvo sve više stari, tako se i povećava broj osoba koje boluju od Alzheimerove bolesti i drugih demencija. Također, ova bolest proglašena je gerontološkim javnozdravstvenim problemom što ukazuje na potrebu za pravovremenim i primjerenim reakcijama na svim razinama odgovornosti. Alzheimerova bolest je neizlječiva i vrlo teška te dovodi do potpune ovisnosti o drugima, uglavnom članova obitelji. Kako bi se produžio ostanak bolesnika u vlastitom domu, potrebno je osigurati kvalitetne i kontinuirane izvaninstitucionalne usluge, u ovom slučaju usmjerene na bolesnika, ali i na obitelj koja je ključan faktor za sprječavanje prerane institucionalizacije. U ovom radu prikazat će se socijalne usluge u Gradu Zagrebu kojima se nastoje zadovoljiti potrebe ovih korisnika, a to su cjelodnevni boravci i usluga pomoći u kući. Radi se o izvaninstitucionalnim uslugama koje nisu isključivo namijenjene samo osobama koje boluju od Alzheimerove bolesti i drugih demencija, ali u velikoj mjeri pomažu u održavanju kvalitete njihova života u ranom, a boravci i u srednjem stadiju bolesti. U finalnom stadiju bolesti usluge institucionalne skrbi često su jedino rješenje, stoga je jedan od prioriteta socijalne politike Grada Zagreba osigurati specijalizirane odjele za osobe oboljele od Alzheimerove bolesti i drugih demencija unutar domova za starije osobe. Hrvatska udruga za Alzheimerovu bolest je jedina udruga u Hrvatskoj koja se bavi ovom problematikom, a kojoj se obitelj može obratiti za edukaciju, informacije, savjetovanje i socijalnu podršku. Iako su navedene aktivnosti udruge od neupitne važnosti, za članove obitelji njegovatelje ipak nedostaje konkretnijih oblika podrške pa bi daljnji razvoj usluga trebao ići i u tom pravcu. Također je neminovno da će se mreža usluga izvaninstitucionalne skrbi u Zagrebu u budućnosti morati širiti s obzirom na sve veću zastupljenost ovih korisnika.
Abstract (english) How population is getting older there is an encreasing number of persons with Alzheimer`s disease and others dementia. Also, this ilness was declared as geriatric public health problem which indicates the need for timely and appropriate reactions on every level of responsibility. Alzheimer`s disease is incurable and very serious, it leads to completely dependence on others, mostly family members. In order to prolong the staying of a person with disease in his home it`s necessary to ensure quality and continuously noninstitutional services which are, in this case, directed on person with disease, but also on family who is a key factor in preventing untimely institutionalization. In this work it will be presented social services in Zagreb which are trying to satisfy the needs of these users and those are services which provides to user full day staying in a specialized space and home help service. It is about noninstitutional services which aren`t intended exclusively for people with Alzheimer`s disease and other dementia but in great measure they help to maintain the quality of their lifes in early and some in medium stage of disease. In final stage of disease an institutional services are often the only solution so one of the priorities in social policy of Zagreb is to provide specialized departments for people with Alzheimer`s disease and other dementias inside of homes for elderly. Croatian association for Alzheimers`s disease is the only association in Croatia that delas with this issues and where familly members can get education, informations, advices and social support. Although the association activities are of unquestionable importance there are still missing more concrete forms of support for family caregivers so further development of services should go in that direction. Considering the increasing number of these users it`s also inevitable that the network of noninstitutional care services in Zagreb will need to be expanded in the future.
Alzheimerova bolest
Keywords (english)
Alzheimer`s disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:705160
Study programme Title: Social Policy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne politike (magistar/magistra socijalne politike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-11-21 09:53:11