Title Stigmatizacija osoba s problemom ovisnosti o alkoholu
Title (english) Stigmatization of persons with alcohol dependence problem
Author Lea Verdel
Mentor Ana Opačić (mentor)
Committee member Ana Opačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Buljevac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Majdak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social Work Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-27-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Specific Areas of Social Work
Abstract Ovisnost o alkoholu se može definirati kao stanje u kojem se javljaju znakovi i simptomi prekomjernog pijenja alkoholnih pića, a istovremeno uključuje povećanu toleranciju na alkohol i česte promjene u ponašanju. Osobe s problemom ovisnosti o alkoholu često doživljavaju stigmatizaciju na puno razina unutar socijalne okoline. Upravo zato u ovom radu će biti riječi o doživljaju stigmatizacije koje osobe s problemom ovisnosti o alkoholu procjene kao relevantnima u različitim aspektima njihovog
... More života. Za potrebe ovog rada provedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje u svibnju i lipnju 2018. godine sa osobama s problemom ovisnosti o alkoholu, a koje se nalaze na liječenju u klubovima liječenih alkoholičara. Istraživanjem se pokušalo utvrditi postoji li iskustvo stigmatizacije odnosno autostigmatizacije kod ispitanika, a koje se javlja od strane uže okoline i stručnjaka. Za potrebe istraživanja korišteni su anketni upitnici koji su konstruirani za potrebe samog istraživanja, a koji su dijelom konzultirani od strane već postojećih anketnih upitnika. Rezultati su pokazali da su žene koje se nalaze na liječenju od ovisnosti u klubovima liječenih alkoholičara, češće odbacivane od strane uže okoline. Isto tako, što se tiče stigmatizacije od strane uže okoline, ispitanici naglašavaju da doživljaj stigmatizacije raste kada se govori o nižim mjesečnim prihodima te lošijim odnosima u obitelji. S druge strane, doživljaj stigmatizacije je rjeđi kada se ispitanici duže liječe od ovisnosti te duže apstiniraju. Kada govorimo o doživljaju nepravde od strane stručnjaka, što su odnosi u obitelji lošiji to je iskustvo nepravde od strane stručnjaka jače izraženije. U pogledu stigmatizacije od strane stručnjaka, rezultati su pokazali da što ispitanici duže apstiniraju, to je pojava stigmatizirajućeg odnosa stručnjaka rjeđa te su ispitanici koji imaju djecu češće doživjeli stigmatizirajući odnos od strane stručnjaka. Kada govorimo o doživljaju autostigmatizacije, što ispitanici duže apstiniraju, to je pojava autostigmatizacije rjeđa. Less
Abstract (english) Alcohol dependence can be defined as a condition in which signs and symptoms of excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages occur and at the same time involve increased alcohol tolerance and frequent behavioral changes. People with problem of alcohol dependence often experience stigmatization at many levels within the social environment. This is why this paper will discuss the experience of stigmatization which people with the problem of alcohol dependency will estimate as relevant to the
... More different aspects of their life. For the purpose of this paper, a quantitative study was conducted in May and June 2018. with people with alcohol dependence, who are on treatment in alcoholic-treated clubs. The research attempted to ascertain whether there was any experience of stigmatization or autostigmatization among the respondents, which is reported by the inner circle and the experts. Survey questionnaires were designed for the purpose of the research itself and were partly
consulted by the already existing questionnaires. The results have shown that women who are on treatment of addiction are more often dismissed by inner circle than men. Respordents reported that stigmatization by inner circle is more expressed when relations within the family are worse and income of the family is lower. When respondents are longer in treatment and when they have longer abstinence, the experience of stigmatization by the inner circle is more rare. When we talk about experiencing injustice by the experts, respondents reported that when family relationships are worse, an experience of injustice by the experts is strongly expressed. When we talk about stigmatization by the experts, the results showed that when respondents abstain for longer time, stigmatizing by the experts is more rare; respondents who have children are more often experiencing stigmatizing relationship by the experts. When we talk about the experiences of autostigmatization, when respondents abstaine longer, the phenomenon of autostigmatization is more rare. Less
Ključne riječi: stigmatizacija
Keywords (english)
Key words: Stigmatization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:890029
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-22 09:41:27