Title Siromaštvo djece kroz razvojnu perspektivu
Title (english) Poverty of children through a development perspective
Author Ana Staničić
Mentor Marina Ajduković (mentor)
Committee member Marina Ajduković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Rezo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Theory and Methods of Social Work) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Theory of Social Work
Abstract Ekonomska kriza koja je zahvatila svijet, pa tako i Hrvatsku, odrazila se na veliki broj obitelji s djecom. Porast broja nezaposlenih utjecao je da dosta roditelja izgubi posao ili ga nisu u mogućnosti pronaći, što je još više utjecalo na porast rizika od siromaštva djece s obzirom da je zaposlenost ključni zaštitni faktor od siromaštva. Prema podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku, osobe u dobnoj skupini od 0 do 17 godina čine jednu od dvije grupe koje su u najvećem riziku od siromaštva. Odrastanje u siromaštvu obilježava dijete na više načina. Obrazovne šanse i pristup predškolskim uslugama nije jednak vršnjacima iz imućnijih obitelji. Otežan pristup obrazovanju samim tim predstavlja i kasnije poteškoće pri zaposlenju što dovodi u pitanje i materijalni status djeteta u budućnosti i prenošenje siromaštva s koljena na koljeno. Život u siromaštvu ostavlja trag i na zdravlje djece koja su sklonija obolijevanju i lošijem zdravstvenom stanju. S obzirom na sve rizike kojima su izložena tijekom djetinjstva, djeca osjećaju beznađe, razočaranost, slabi im osjećaj osobne vrijednosti, češće su i žrtve vršnjačkog nasilja. Hrvatska je 2014. godine donijela Strategiju borbe protiv siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti (2014. – 2020.), kao i Nacionalnu strategiju za prava djece u Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od 2014. do 2020. godine. Također, zakonodavni okvir predviđa novčana primanja i mjere za suzbijanje siromaštva i zadovoljavanje osnovnih životnih potreba. Ipak, prostora za napredak itekako ima. Država je ključni akter u donošenju promjena i suzbijanju siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti. Socijalne inovacije pružile bi programe koji su usmjereni na interese i dobrobit djece u ranjivim situacijama. Usluge predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja potrebno je učiniti dostupnima i priuštvima svima, bez obzira na materijalnu situaciju i zaposlenički status roditelja. Doplatak za djecu koji bi bio usmjeren na najugroženije obitelji u društvu pridonio bi boljoj financijskoj situaciji obitelj slabijeg imovinskog stanja.
Abstract (english) The economic crisis that affected the world, including Croatia, has affected a large number of families with children. The increase in the number of unemployed has affected many parents losing their jobs or not being able to find it, which has further influenced the increasing risk of child poverty, given that employment is a key protective factor of poverty. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, people in the age group 0-17 are one of two groups at the highest risk of poverty. Growing up in poverty marks the child in many ways. Educational chances and access to preschool services are not equal to those of their peers from wealthy families. A difficult access to education therefore also presents later difficulties in employment, which also calls into question the material status of the child in the future and the transfer of poverty from one generation to another. Life in poverty leaves a mark on the health of children who are prone to illness and poor health. In view of all the risks that they are exposed to during their childhood, children can feel hopeless, disappointed, with their sense of personal worth becoming low and they are more often victims of peer violence. In 2014, Croatia adopted the Strategy for the Fight
against Poverty and Social Exclusion (2014-2020), as well as the National Strategy for Children's Rights in Croatia for the period 2014-2020. Also, the legislative framework provides for monetary benefits and measures to combat poverty and meet basic living needs. However, there is a place for progress. The state is a key player in making changes and combating poverty and social exclusion. Social innovation would provide programs that focus on the interests and well-being of children in vulnerable situations. Pre-school education services should be made available to all, regardless of the material situation and the employment status of parents. The child allowance that would be directed at the most vulnerable families in society would contribute to a better financial situation of the family.
siromaštvo djece
obrazovanje djece koja žive u siromaštvu
zdravlje djece koja žive siromaštvu
Keywords (english)
child poverty
education of children living in poverty
health of children living in poverty
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:200590
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-10-23 11:59:12