Title Uzroci beskućništva
Title (english) Causes of homelessness
Author Manuela Grubešić
Mentor Olja Družić Ljubotina (mentor)
Committee member Olja Družić Ljubotina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Kletečki Radović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Theory and Methods of Social Work) (Group Work) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Specific Areas of Social Work
Abstract Problem beskućništva pogađa sve države svijeta, a beskućnici su osobe gurnute na same margine društva te su upravo oni najranjivija skupina društva. Ujedinjeni narodi procjenjuju da broj osoba u statusu beskućnika u svijetu prelazi milijardu ljudi. Različite definicije beskućništva koje se koriste dovode do nemogućeg utvrđivanja točnog broja beskućnika. U definicije je potrebno uključiti i osobe koje žive u riziku od beskućništva odnosno u relativnom beskućništvu što u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo još uvijek nije uvedeno. Koristi se i definicija da je beskućništvo „rezultat kompleksne interakcije između nepovoljnih strukturalnih i individualnih događaja.“ Poznavanje uzroka doprinosi boljem razumijevanju problema, boljem planiranju i provođenju mjera i usluga koje odgovaraju stvarnim potrebama korisnika te je zato ovaj rad usmjeren na uzroke beskućništva. Različita svjetska istraživanja kao najčešće uzroke beskućništva navode: dugotrajno siromaštvo, dugotrajnu nezaposlenost, samohrano roditeljstvo, nizak stupanj obrazovanja, ovisnost, narušeno mentalno zdravlje, narušeno tjelesno zdravlje, slaba socijalna mreža, izdržavanje zatvorske kazne te gubitak mjesta za stanovanje. Svi ti uzroci svrstani su u 4 skupine čimbenika koji povećavaju vjerojatnost ulaska u beskućništvo: strukturalni, institucionalni, međuljudski odnosi te individualna obilježja. Potrebno je znati da do beskućništva ne vodi samo jedan rizični čimbenik već se beskućništvo događa uslijed interakcije različitih strukturalnih i individualnih čimbenika.
Abstract (english) The problem of homelessness affects every country in the world. Homeless people are pushed to the very margins o fsociety and are the most vulnerable social group. The United Nations estimates that the number of people with the status of a homeless person exceeds a billion. Furthermore, different definitions of homelessness are the reason why it is impossible to estimate the real number of homeless people. It is important that those definitions also include people who are at risk of being homeless, i.e. they are inso-called relative homelessness which has not been incorporated into Croatian legislation. There is also the definition which describes homelessness as “a result of a complex interaction between unfavourable structural and individual events.” Knowing the cause contributes to a better under standing of the problem, to a better planning and implementing the measures and services which meet the real needs of the users. This is why this paper focuses on the causes of homelessness. Various research conducted worldwide indicates the following causes of homelessness: long-term poverty, long-term unemployment, single parenting, low level of education, addiction, impaired mental and physical health, weak social network, imprisonment and losing a home. They are categorised into 4 groups of factors which increase the possibility of becoming homeless: structural, institutional, interpersona lrelations and individua lcharacteristics. It is important to understand that there is no tonly one risk factor whic hleads to homelessness. A person becomes homeless due to an interaction between structural and individual factors.
Ključne riječi: beskućništvo
Keywords (english)
Ključne riječi (Keywords): homelessness
homeless person
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:692559
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-26 11:30:19