Title Klubovi liječenih alkoholičara iz perspektive stručnih djelatnika
Title (english) Clubs of alcoholics in treatment from the perspective of professional workers
Author Petra Benko
Mentor Marina Milić Babić (mentor)
Committee member Marina Milić Babić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Berc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Laklija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social Work Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Ovisnost o alkoholu je bolest čiji proces oporavka ne završava liječenjem unutar zdravstvenog sustava, već se nastavlja u klubovima liječenih alkoholičara (KLA) koje vode stručni djelatnici. Svrha ovog kvalitativnog istraživanja je dobivanje dubljeg uvida u rad KLA i mogućih izazova i problema iz perspektive stručnih djelatnika koji su po struci socijalni radnici, a djeluju u KLA na području Grada Zagreba. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 6 sudionika. Metoda prikupljanja podataka je polustrukturirani intervju, a podaci dobiveni intervjuima su podvrgnuti tematskoj analizi. Rezultati pokazuju kako stručni djelatnici vlastito iskustvo rada opisuju kroz različite aspekte koji se odnose na: vođenje strukturiranog sastanka, obrađivanje različitih tema značajnih za održavanje apstinencije i osobni rast i razvoj članova te navode neke specifičnosti u vlastitom radu. Također, ističu kako su za kvalitetan KLA važni kompetentnost i osobne karakteristike stručnog djelatnika, ali i međusobno uvažavanje i podrška članova kao i poštivanje pravila organizacije. Navode i kako je potrebno više raditi na senzibilizaciji javnosti, no navedeno je primarni zadatak krovne organizacije Hrvatskog saveza klubova liječeni alkoholičara te su potrebne određene promjene u KLA i drugim sustavima koji se bave problemom ovisnosti. Kad je riječ o izazovima i problemima u radu, rezultati pokazuju kako je u KLA manjak aktivnih i novih članova što utječe na dinamiku rada i motivaciju uključenih. Zatim, izazov je motivirati nedobrovoljne članove na redovite dolaske i poštivanje pravila kluba te je problem nedovoljna senzibiliziranost šire javnosti o problemu ovisnosti. Spominje se i problem nepostojanja ili postojanja u nedovoljnoj mjeri suradnje s drugim relevantnim organizacijama, kao i rizik negativnog utjecaja pandemije COVID-19 na zdravlje članova KLA. Može se zaključiti kako su stručni djelatnici vrlo važna karika u procesu oporavka osobe ovisne o alkoholu.
Abstract (english) Alcohol addiction is a disease whose recovery process does not end with treatment within the healthcare system, but continues in clubs of alcoholics in treatment (CAT) lead by professionals. The purpose of this qualitative research is to gain a deeper insight into the work of the CAT and possible challenges and problems from the perspective of professionals who are social workers in fact, and operate in the CAT in the city of Zagreb. In the research participated six participants. The data collection method was semi-structured interview, and the data obtained from the interviews were subjected to thematic analysis. The results showed that professionals describe their own work experience through various aspects related to conducting structural meetings, processing various important topics for maintaining abstinence, personal growth and member development, and some specifics in their own work. They also point out that the competence and personal characteristics of a professional
employee are important for a quality CAT, but also mutual respect and support of members as well as respectrules of the organization. They also state that more work is needed to sensitize the public, but the primary task of the main organization Croatian association of clubs of alcoholic in treatment is stated, and certain changes are needed in CAT and other systems that deal with the problem of addiction. When it comes to challenges and problems in work, the results show that there is a decreasing number of members in the CAT and that this affects the dynamics of work and motivation of those involved. Then, the challenge is to motivate involuntary members to come regulary and follow the rules of club, and the problem is insufficient sensitization of the general public about the problem of addiction. There is mentioned the problem of non-existence or insufficient cooperation with other relevant organizations, as well as the risk of a negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of CAT members. It can be concluded that professionals are a very important link in the recovery process of an alcohol addiction.
klubovi liječenih alkoholičara
stručni djelatnici
socijalni radnici
Keywords (english)
clubs of alcoholic in treatment (CAT)
social workers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:381521
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-01-14 12:38:46