Title Prava žena u penalnom sustavu
Title (english) Women's rights in penal system
Author Petra Šušić
Mentor Marina Milić Babić (mentor)
Committee member Marina Milić Babić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Berc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Laklija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social Work Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Ljudska prava su prava koja pripadaju ljudima samim rođenjem. Prava žena zatvorenica obuhvaćaju prava koja pripadaju svim osobama u penalnom sustavu i prava koja pripadaju isključivo ženama zbog njihovih specifičnih potreba. Prava žena u penalnom sustavu su slabo istražena zbog činjenice da žene čine tek manji dio zatvorske populacije. Tretmani i smještaj u penalnoj ustanovi često nije prilagođen karakteristikama žene. Ističu se higijenske i prostorne potrebe te majčinstvo, kao fenomen koji je često prisutan u penalnim ustanovama gdje borave žene. Majke imaju pravo na brigu i skrb o djetetu, no, boravkom u zatvoru, to pravo je vrlo ograničeno. Majke često imaju vrlo rijetki kontakt s djetetom te im nedostaje stručne podrške pri savladavanju izazova roditeljstva. Prava svih zatvorenika i specifična prava žena i majki zatvorenica propisana su, iako oskudno, europskim, međunarodnim i domaćim propisima. Odlaskom u penalnu ustanovu, ženama se uskraćuje sloboda u svrhu resocijalizacije te zaštite društva i počinitelja kaznenog djela. Od iznimne je važnosti prava ograničavati u onoj mjeri koliko je to nužno potrebno za ispunjavanje svrhe penalnog sustava. Potrebno je osvještavati javnost o osjetljivosti ove teme, poticati institucionalne promjene, promjene politika i praksi te podići standard penalnog tretmana na višu razinu, uz maksimalno poštivanje i promicanje ljudskih prava. Socijalni rad je uključen u penalni tretman, posebno u području zaštite ljudskih prava, zaštite interesa djeteta i podrške majkama, što ga čini jednom od ključnih profesija u postizanju promjena i boljitka na ovom području.
Abstract (english) Human rights are rights that belong to people by birth. The rights of women prisoners include rights that belong to all persons in the penal system and rights that belong exclusively to women because of their specific needs. The rights of women in the penal system are poorly researched due to the fact that women make up only a small part of the prison population. Treatments and placement in a penitentiary institution are often not adapted to the characteristics of the woman. Hygienic and spatial needs and motherhood are emphasized, as a phenomenon that is often present in penal institutions where women live. Mothers have the right to care for the child, but by being in prison, this right is very limited. Mothers often have very rare contact with their children and lack professional support in overcoming the challenges of such parenting. The rights of all prisoners and the specific rights of women and mothers of women prisoners are regulated, albeit sparingly, by European, international and domestic regulations. By going to a penitentiary institution, women are denied freedom for the purpose of re-socialization and protection of society and perpetrators of criminal offenses. It is of the utmost importance to limit the right to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose of the penal system. It is necessary to raise public awareness of the sensitivity of this topic, encourage institutional change, changes in policies and practices, and raise the standard of penal treatment to a higher level, with maximum respect and promotion of human rights. Social work is included in penal treatment, especially in the field of human rights protection, protection of the interests of the child and support for mothers, which makes it one of the key professions in achieving change and improvement in this area.
penalni sustav
ljudska prava
prava žena
Keywords (english)
penal system
human rights
women's rights
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:508213
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-01-18 09:44:29