Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je opisati mentalno zdravlje osoba oboljelih od Alzheimerove bolesti
kroz opisivanje neuropsihijatrijskih simptoma koji se kroz tijek bolesti javljaju te
putem sustavnog prikaza istraživanja prevalencije navedenih simptoma.
Neuropsihijatrijski simptomi Alzheimerove bolesti su simptomi koji uključuju
promjene ličnosti, poremećaje raspoloženja, motoričkih aktivnosti i brojne druge te
koje osim samog oboljelog, mogu opaziti i treće osobe (liječnici, njegovatelji i dr.).
Također, simptomi negativno utječu ne samo na oboljele, već i na osobe oko njih (od
obitelji, njegovatelja, sustava skrbi za oboljele, te cjelokupnog društva).
Rad prikazuje općenito Alzheimerovu bolest i njezine neuropsihijatrijske simptome,
kroz njihovo definiranje, opis, način tretmana, mjerenja i grupiranja. Također, u radu
je prikazana prevalencija neuropsihijatrijskih simptoma, te su nalazi dobiveni
sustavnom analizom dostupnih istraživanja uspoređeni s nalazima ranijih
istraživanja. Tako su najprevalentniji bili simptomi apatije, depresije i iritabilnosti, a
najmanje prevalentni bili su simptomi euforije i halucinacije, što je bilo i u skladu s
nalazima ranijih istraživanja (uz manja odstupanja, koja su također prikazana u radu).
S obzirom na očekivani porast starijih osoba u društvu te samim tim i oboljelih od
raznih vrsta demencije (od kojih je Alzheimerova bolest najčešća), očekivano je da će
interes kako za samu bolest, tako i za njezine simptome, također rasti. |
Abstract (english) | disease by describing the neuropsychiatric symptoms that occur during the course of
the disease and by systematically reviewing the prevalence of these symptoms.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are symptoms that include
personality changes, mood disorders, motor activities disorders, and many others, and
which, in addition to the patient himself, can be noticed by third parties (doctors,
caregivers, etc.). Also, the symptoms negatively affect not only the patients, but also
people around them (from the family, caregivers, the care system for the sick, and
society as a whole).
The paper presents Alzheimer's disease in general and its neuropsychiatric symptoms,
through their definition, description, method of treatment, measurement and grouping.
Also, the paper presents the prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms, and the
findings obtained by systematic analysis of available studies are compared with the
findings of previous studies. Thus, the most prevalent were the symptoms of apathy,
depression and irritability, and the least prevalent were the symptoms of euphoria and
hallucinations, which was in line with the findings of previous studies (with minor
deviations, which are also shown in the paper). Given the expected increase in the
elderly in society, and thus those suffering from various types of dementia (of which
Alzheimer's disease is the most common), it is expected that interest in both the disease
itself and its symptoms will also grow. |