Title New Deal - pravnopovijesno iskustvo i ostavština
Title (english) New Deal - legal-historical experience and legacy
Author Ivana Matulin
Mentor Zrinka Erent-Sunko (mentor)
Committee member Zrinka Erent-Sunko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijel Javorić Barić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Obadić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (General History of Law and State) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-04-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law History of Law and State
Abstract Još pomalo traumatizirana posljedicama Velike recesije započele 2007. godine, svjetska populacija ponovno je izložena izazovu prevladavanja ekonomske krize koju je ovog puta uzrokovala pandemija virusa Covid-19. Upravo iz tog razloga, za temu svoga rada izabrala sam razdoblje Velike depresije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama 1930-ih godina. Radi se, naime, o razdoblju u kojem je američka ekonomija doživjela strmoglavi pad, a posljedice čega su se odrazile daleko izvan američkih granica i utjecale na globalnu trgovinu i produktivnost te uzrokovale masovno nezadovoljstvo diljem čitavog svijeta. Možda bi radi manjeg vremenskog odmaka bilo zgodnije povući paralelu Velike recesije i predstojeće krize, no u razdoblju Velike depresije dogodile su se značajne promjene koje su zauvijek izmijenile funkciju američkog predsjednika i ovlasti federalne vlade, čiji modeli postupanja su se u obliku prilagođenom novijem vremenu pokušali iskoristiti i u prevladavanju Velike recesije. Budući da ustrojstvo federacije omogućava objedinjenje sveukupne izvršne vlasti u rukama jedne osobe – predsjednika – rješavanje ekonomskih problema od strane države dobiva novi smisao, što će biti objašnjeno kroz prikaz gospodarskih prilika prije i za vrijeme Velike depresije te kroz okolnosti dolaska na vlast predsjednika F.D. Roosevelta uz naglasak na New Deal, njegov veliki plan kojim je nastojao transformirati i oporaviti američku ekonomiju usred najvećeg dotad viđenog pada prosperiteta. U radu će biti detaljno razložene mjere i programi New Deala te njegovi najvažniji zakoni, a naposljetku i sukob Roosevelta sa Vrhovnim sudom u okviru ustavnog sudovanja. Također, biti će objašnjeno u kolikoj je mjeri ekspanzija ovlasti predsjednika i federalne vlade pridonijela oporavku američke ekonomije te kako je ideja New Deala reproducirana kroz mandate Roosveltovih nasljednika u modernijim vremenima, koja, u ponešto slabijem intenzitetu, podsjećaju na spomenuto razdoblje. Bitno je naglasiti da je tema izabrana s ciljem analize njenog pravno - povijesnog aspekta, radi čega se rad fokusira na okolnosti donošenja New Deala i samih zakona te na njihovo razlaganje, dok bi detaljnijem uvidu u cjelokupnu sliku nedvojbeno pridonijele njena ekonomska, politološka i sociološka dimenzija.
Abstract (english) Still traumatized by the aftermath of the Great recession that began in 2007, the world's population is once again exposed to the challenge of overcoming the crisis, this time caused by the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus. This is why I have chosen the period of the Great depression in the United States in the 1930s as the theme of my work. Namely, this is a period in which the american economy experienced a sharp decline, and the consequences of which were reflected far beyond american borders and affected global trade, productivity and caused mass discontent around the world. It may be more convenient to draw a parallel between the Great recession and the impending crisis, but during the Great depression, there were significant changes that transformed the function of the U.S. president and the powers of the federal government and whose models of action tried to be applied in overcoming the Great recession. Since the organization of the federation allows the unification of the entire executive power in the hands of one person – the president – solving economic problems by the states gets a new meaning, which will be explained by the economic situation before and during the Great depression and the circumstances of winning the first mandate of President F.D. Roosevelt with an emphasis on the New Deal, his huge plan to transform and recover the U.S. economy due to the biggest drop in prosperity ever seen. The paper will explain in detail the measures and the programs of the New Deal and its most important laws, and finally, Roosevelt's conflict with the Supreme court within the constitutional judiciary. Also, it will explain how much the expansion of the presidency and the federal government has contributed to the recovery of the U.S. economy and how the New Deal idea was reproducted through the mandate of Roosevelt's successors in modern times, reminiscent of the period. It is important to emphasize that the topic was chosen to analyze its legal – historical aspect, focusing on the circumstances of the New Deal and the laws themselves and their interpretation, while a more detailed insight into the overall picture would undoubtedly contribute its economic, political and sociological dimension.
New Deal
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Velika depresija
ekonomska kriza
Sjedinjene Američke Države
federalna vlada
Keywords (english)
New Deal
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Great depression
economic crisis
United States of America
federal government
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:384467
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2022-04-07 08:51:42