Title Depositum: Ugovor o ostavi
Title (english) Depositum: Contract of Deposit
Author Kristijan Pavlović
Mentor Ivan Milotić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Jaramaz-Reskušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Erent-Sunko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Milotić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Roman Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Roman Law
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na povijesni razvoj i značaj instituta deposituma kao i potrebu reguliranja u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu. Depositum, je dvostrano nepotpuno obvezujući kontrakt bona fidei kojim deponent, svoju pokretnu stvar, daje na čuvanje depozitaru, a depozitar se obvezuje stvar čuvati te po proteku roka ili na deponentov zahtjev stvar vratiti. Depositum je veoma rasprostranjen u upotrebu kako u pravnom tako i u ekonomskom smislu. U radu je donesen povijesni presjek nastanka instituta iz kojeg je vidljiv utjecaj rimskog prva na hrvatski pravni sustav kao i njegov kontinuitet i trajnost. Depositum se temelji na odnosu poštenja i povjerenja, kako između samim ugovornih strana tako i na cjelokupni pravni sustav. Rimsko pravo služilo je kao temelj za nadograđivanje deposituma u suvremenom zakonodavstvu. Uz redovni oblik depostiuma, razlikuje i tri posebne vrste depostiuma koje su također obrađene u ovom radu, a to su depositum irregulare, depostium miserabile i depostium in sequestrem. Osim toga rad je obuhvatio i kvazi delikt actio furti et damni adversus nautas, caupones et stabularios koji u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu označava ugostiteljsku ostavu koja je danas veoma rasprostranjena samim time što je Hrvatska turistička zemlja. Shodno tome, potrebno je ugostiteljima i gostima skrenuti pažnju na pravne odredbe koje se tiču kako njihovih prava, tako i njihovih obveza. Ugostitelj bi trebao znati kakve su njegove obveze i odgovornost u pogledu stvari koje primi od gosta na čuvanje u njegovom ugostiteljskom objektu, a gost bi trebao znati koja su njegova prava glede unosa stvari u ugostiteljski objekt ili ih ugostitelju predaje na čuvanje. Zaključno, rimsko privatno pravo imalo je širok utjecaj na suvremeno zakonodavstvo, počevši od redovnog oblika depostiuma do reguliranja i njegovih posebnih vrsta.
Abstract (english) The aim of this article is to point out the historical development and importance of the depository institution as well as the need for regulation in the Croatian legal system. Depositum, is a bilaterally incompletely binding bona fidei contract by which the depositor gives his movable property to the depositary for safekeeping, and the depositary undertakes to keep the thing and return the thing after the expiration of the term or at the depositor's request. Depositum is very widespread in use both legally and economically. The paper presents a historical cross-section of the origins of the institute, which shows the influence of the Roman Empire on the Croatian legal system as well as its continuity and permanence. The deposit is based on a relationship of honesty and trust, both between the contracting parties themselves and the entire legal system. Roman law served as the basis for upgrading deposits in modern legislation. In addition to the regular form of depostium, there are three special types of depostium that are also discussed in this paper, namely depositum irregulare, depostium miserabile and depostium in sequestrem. In addition, the work included a quasi-delict actio furti et damni adversus nautas, caupones et stabularios, which in the Croatian legal system means a catering pantry, which is very widespread today because it is a Croatian tourist country. Accordingly, it is necessary to draw the attention of caterers and guests to the legal provisions concerning both their rights and their obligations. The caterer should know what his obligations and responsibilities are regarding the things he receives from the guest for safekeeping in his catering facility, and the guest should know what his rights are regarding bringing things into the catering facility or handing them over to the caterer for safekeeping. In conclusion, Roman private law had a wide impact on modern legislation, ranging from the regular form of the depostium to regulation and its special types.
Rimsko pravo
ugostiteljska ostava
hrvatski pravni sustav
Keywords (english)
Roman law
catering hoard
Croatian legal system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:648077
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-06-23 09:05:02