Title Nasilje nad starijim osobama u obitelji iz perspektive socijalnih radnika i starijih osoba
Title (english) Domestic elder abuse from the perspective of social workers and the elderly
Author Tena Balunović
Mentor Silvia Rusac (mentor)
Committee member Silvia Rusac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Buljevac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Milić Babić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social Work Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Social Gerontology
Abstract Udio starijih osoba u svijetu sve se više povećava uslijed čega se povećavaju i
problemi vezani uz navedenu populaciju. Jedan od problema u porastu je i problem
obiteljskog nasilja nad starijima kojem pridonose određeni osobni, obiteljski te
društveni čimbenici. Globalne procjene pokazuju da je jedna od šest starijih osoba
bila izložena jednom od oblika nasilja u posljednjih godinu dana, no pretpostavlja se
da je ta brojka i veća s obzirom na veliku tamnu brojku neprijavljenog nasilja nad
starijima. Unatoč tome, nasilje nad starijima ostaje relativno neprepoznat problem u
odnosu na druge vrste obiteljskog nasilja. Zaokuplja interes tek nekolicine znanstvene
zajednice, a starijim se osobama rijetko kada pruža mogućnost iznošenja svojih
mišljenja o navedenom problemu. Slijedom navedenog, ovim istraživanjem željela se
ispitati informiranost i mišljenje starijih osoba i socijalnih radnika s područja grada
Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije o nasilju nad starijim osobama u obitelji. Provedeno
je kvalitativno istraživanje metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua na prigodnom
uzorku od 12 sudionika (6 starijih osoba, 6 socijalnih radnika), a u obradi podataka
korištena je metoda analize okvira. Rezultati istraživanja prikazani su u okviru tri
glavna tematska područja: informiranost o nasilju nad starijima u obitelji, čimbenici
rizika za nasilje nad starijima u obitelji, prevencija nasilja nad starijima u obitelji.
Rezultati pokazuju da sudionici najčešće opisuju nasilje kroz materijalno nasilje te se
ukazuje potreba većeg osvještavanja zanemarivanja kao oblika nasilja. Kao najčešći
počinitelji navode se najbliži članovi obitelji, a kao najčešći razlog neprijavljivanja
nasilja pojavljuje se sram. Najčešće spominjani čimbenici rizika na strani žrtve su
socijalna izolacija te dijeljenje stambenog prostora, na strani počinitelja imovinski
interesi, problemi mentalnog zdravlja te nedostatak obiteljske međugeneracijske
solidarnosti, a na strani društva siromaštvo te neučinkovitost sustava zaštite. Područje
prevencije vidi se kao prvenstvena odgovornost države te se opisuju načini prevencije
koji većinom pripadaju primarnoj prevenciji. Također se prepoznaje potreba veće
osviještenosti javnosti o problematici nasilja nad starijima.
Abstract (english) The number of elderly people in the world is in uprise, as a result of which the
problems related to this population are also increasing. One of the growing problems
is the problem of domestic elder abuse, which is contributed by certain personal,
family and social factors. Global estimates show that one in six older people has been
exposed to one form of abuse in the last year, but this figure is assumed to be even
higher given the large dark figure for unreported elder abuse. Despite that, elder
abuse remains a relatively unrecognized problem compared to the other types of
domestic violence. The field of elder abuse is of interest to only a few scientific
communities and older people are rarely given the opportunity to express their
opinions on this issue. Following the above, this research sought to examine the
knowledge and opinion of older people and social workers from the city of Zagreb and
the Zagreb County on domestic elder abuse. Qualitative research was conducted using
the method of semi-structured interview on a suitable sample of 12 participants (6
elderly people, 6 social workers), and the method of framework analysis was used in
data processing. The results of the research are presented in three main thematic
areas: knowledge of domestic elder abuse, risk factors for domestic elder abuse,
prevention of domestic elder abuse. The results show that participants most often
describe abuse through material abuse and the results also indicate the need for
greater awareness of neglect as a form of abuse. The closest family members are cited
as the most common perpetrators and shame appears as the most common reason for
not reporting the abuse. The most frequently mentioned risk factors related to the
victim were social isolation and division of housing, those related to the perpetrator
were property interests, mental health issues as well as lack of family
intergenerational solidarity, and the most frequently mentioned risk factors related to
the society were poverty and inefficiency of the protection system. The responsibility
for elder abuse prevention was placed primarily at government level and described
methods of prevention mostly belong to the primary prevention. The need for greater
public awareness of the elder abuse issue is also recognized
starije osobe
nasilje nad starijim osobama u obitelji
perspektiva starijih osoba
perspektiva socijalnih radnika
Keywords (english)
the elderly
domestic elder abuse
perspective of the elderly
perspective of social workers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:819173
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-06 11:26:00