Abstract | Razvojem civilizacije i društvenih institucija, brak je kao temelj zajednice dobio i svoj formalnopravni status. Budući se radi o tako važnom segmentu života većine pojedinaca, monoteističke religije, posebno tri velike - židovstvo, kršćanstvo i islam, definirale su pojmove braka, njegove učinke, pretpostavke za sklapanje braka i razvod, sve sukladno svojim učenjima i vjerskim postulatima. Kroz povijest je broj vjerskih brakova uvijek nadilazio broj civilnih, a zadnjih desetljeća u svijetu se ipak sklapa veći broj građanskih brakova.
Upravo iz ovog razloga je veoma bitno adresirati koncepte religijskog braka, naročito kroz prizmu kršćanstva i islama, kao religija koje su imale najveći utjecaj na naše prostore i to prije svega kroz analizu elemenata braka u pravnopovijesnom kontekstu. Pri tome, povijesnost ove teme se pronalazi prije svega u razvoju tih elemenata kroz vrijeme, pod utjecajem različitih faktora, od čega se svakako treba istaknuti društvene, geografske te pravne.
Cilj ovoga rada je dati osnovni pregled poimanja braka u katoličanstvu i u islamu polazeći od definicije braka u ove dvije religije, bitnih obilježja i učinaka braka te naposljetku pretpostavaka za njegovo sklapanje i to sve kroz povijesni kontekst. Pri tome, poseban naglasak stavljen je na bračne zapreke i njihove specifičnosti, odnosno na promjene koje su se događale uslijed pravnopovijesnih promjena. |
Abstract (english) | With the development of civilization and social institutions, marriage, as the cornerstone of a community, gained its formal and legal status. Since being such an important segment in the life of most people, monotheistic religions, especially the three major ones – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, defined the concepts of marriage, its impacts, preconditions for marriage and divorce, all in accordance with their learning and religious postulates. Throughout history, the number of religious marriages has always exceeded the number of civil marriages. However, in recent decades, the number of civil marriages has been increasing in the world.
For this reason, it is very important to address the concepts of religious marriage, especially through the prism of Christianity and Islam, as these are religions which have had the greatest impact on our country. This shall be done primarily through the analysis of marriage elements in the context of legal history. At the same time, the historical relevance of this topic can primarily be found in the development of these elements over time, under the influence of various conditions, with the emphasis on the social, geographical, and legal context.
The aim of this thesis is to provide a fundamental overview of the concept of marriage in canon and sharia law, starting with the definition of marriage in these two religious system, crucial features and its impacts, and finally preconditions for marriage, all through historical context. In addition, special attention is paid to marital impediments and their peculiarities, that is, to the changes which occurred due to the changes in terms of legal history. |