Abstract | Ortaštvo se u pozitivnom hrvatskom pravu uređuje odredbama čl. 637.- 660. Zakona o obveznim odnosima (Narodne Novine br. 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18, 126/21). Ortaštvo danas pokriva najšire područje ugovornog građanskopravnog udruženja rada i resursa usmjerenog na ostvarenje zajedničkog cilja. Osnovno obilježje društva osoba, a samim tim i ortaštva jest u tome da su udružene minimalno dvije osobe, te da postoji obveza osobnog doprinosa i suradnje članova. Ortaštvo je zapravo rodonačelnik svih društava osoba. Najveći razvoj ortaštvo je doživjelo u rimskom pravu. Upravo u tom razdoblju ortaštvo je kao institut formirao svoja najvažnija obilježja. Od tada se institut nije previše mijenjao. Slijedom toga što nije riječ o pravnoj osobi te zbog neformalnog i jednostavnog sklapanja, ovaj ugovor je u praksi veoma čest te ga karakterizira popriličan rasponom složenosti pojavnih oblika koji zadovoljavaju brojne gospodarske i druge potrebe. Logično je, stoga, da je ortaštvo kao takvo preživjelo sve vrste pozitivnopravnih promjena te pravnih praznina. Temeljni akt ortaštva je ortački ugovor. Ugovor je konsenzualan jer nastaje sporazumom ortaka. Ugovor je također istovremeno i obveznopravni i organizacijski ugovor, što znači da on podrobnije uređuje i samo ortaštvo kao društvo. Konstitutivni sastojci ugovora su: osobe ortaka, određenje doprinosa ortaka i zajednički cilj. Pored ovako malog broja bitnih elemenata ortacima je ostavljena mogućnost dopuniti ostali sadržaj. Zanimljivo, imovina ortaštva predstavlja zajedničku nepodijeljenu imovini, a ne suvlasništvo. Bez postojanja takvog uređenja ne bi bilo praktično ni postojanje ortaštva kao društva bez pravne osobnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Partnership is regulated in positive Croatian law by the provisions of Art. 637-660 of the Civil Obligations Act (Official Gazette no. 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18, 126/21). Today, civil law partnership covers the widest area of a contractual civil law association of labor and resources aimed at achieving a common goal. The basic feature of a company of persons, and thus of a civil law partnership, is that at least two persons are united, and that there is an obligation of personal contribution and cooperation of members. civil law partnership is in fact the ancestor of all companies of persons. The greatest development of partnership was experienced in Roman law. It was during this period that the partnership as an institute formed its most important features. Since then, the institute has not changed much. Due to the fact that it is not a legal entity and due to informal and simple way of concluding the contract, this contract is very common in practice and is characterized by a considerable range of complexity of forms that meet many economic and other needs. It is logical, therefore, that the partnership as such has survived all kinds of positive legal changes and legal gaps. The basic act of partnership is a civil law partnership contract. The contract is consensual because it is created by the agreement of the partners. The contract is also both a legal and organizational contract, which means that it regulates in detail the partnership itself as a company. The constituent elements of the contract are: the persons of the partners, the determination of the contributions of the partners and the common goal. In addition to such a small number of important elements, partners are given the opportunity to add other content. Interestingly, partnership property represents joint undivided property, not co-ownership. Without the existence of such an arrangement, the existence of civil law partnership as a company without legal personality would not be practical. |