Title Autorskopravna zaštita djela arhitekture
Title (english) Copyright protection of arcitectural works
Author Marija Petrošević
Mentor Romana Matanovac Vučković (mentor)
Committee member Romana Matanovac Vučković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Nikšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hano Ernst (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Civil Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Kod djela arhitekture posebnost je ta da na djelima arhitekture najčešće koegzistiraju dva prava pa tako i dva interesa. Jedno je pravo vlasništva, koje ima vlasnik nekretnine, a drugo je autorsko pravo autora djela arhitekture. Arhitekt koji je autor djela arhitekture može imati autorsko pravo na tom djelu, npr. nekoj izvedenoj građevini, iako na toj građevini istovremeno postoji pravo vlasništva ili neko drugo stvarno pravo jer je autorsko pravo samostalno i neovisno o drugim pravima. Vlasnik nekretnine na kojoj istovremeno postoji autorsko pravo autora djela arhitekture, ne može bez odobrenja tog autora iskorištavati nekretninu protivno autorskim pravima. Time je propisano ograničenje inače apsolutnog prava vlasništva te vlasnik u pravilu ne može bez odobrenja autora raditi izmjene ili obnovu djela arhitekture. No često dolazi do povrede autorskih prava upravo od strane vlasnika nekretnine. To se događa neovlaštenom izmjenom arhitektonskog djela te neovlaštenom reprodukcijom ili distribucijom djela arhitekture. Autor čije je autorsko pravo povrijeđeno, ima pravo na zaštitu svog autorskog prava. S obzirom na to da su u pravilu jedini autori djela arhitekture arhitekti, jedna od pretpostavki učinkovitosti odredaba kojima sam se u ovom radu bavila je da ih poznaju sami autori zbog čijih su interesa i donesene. Kada bi oni sami znali kako ih zakon štiti, koja su njihova prava i mogućnosti da se unaprijed zaštite, te koje im opcije stoje na raspolaganju kada dođe do povrede, svrha zakona bila bi ispunjena.
Abstract (english) A special feature of works of architecture is that two separate rights, and thus two separate interests, most often coexist in such works. One is the property right that belongs to the owner of a property, and the other is the copyright of the author of a work of architecture. The architect, who is the author of a work of architecture, may have a copyright in that work, for example, in a constructed building, even though the right of ownership or other right in rem in that building may at the same time be held by someone else, since copyright is separate and independent from other rights. The owner of a real property to which the author of an architectural work simultaneously owns copyright cannot make use of that real property in violation of the copyright without the permission of the author. This is a limitation on the otherwise absolute right of ownership, and the owner cannot usually make changes to or restore works of architecture without the permission of the author. However, copyright infringement by the owner of a property often occurs. This is done by the unauthorized alteration of a work of architecture and the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a work of architecture. An author whose copyright has been infringed has the right to protect his copyright. Since the only authors of works of architecture are usually architects, one of the assumptions underlying the effectiveness of the provisions I discuss in this essay is that the authors in whose interest these provisions were enacted are familiar with them. If they knew how the law protects them, what rights and options they have to protect themselves in advance, and what options they have when a violation occurs, the purpose of the law would be fulfilled.
Autorsko pravo
djelo arhitekture
autorskopravna zaštita
pravo vlasništva
povreda autorskog prava.
Keywords (english)
work of architecture
copyright protection
copyright infringement.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:648321
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-30 11:02:04