Abstract | U radu je prikazano kvantitativno istraživanje koje je za cilj imalo ispitati stavove studenata zagrebačkog sveučilišta o korisnicima materijale socijalne pomoći. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 121 student Studijskog centra socijalnog rada, Šumarskog fakulteta te Ekonomskog fakulteta. Podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom, a obraĎeni su postupkom kvantitativne analize. Rezultati su pokazali kako studenti svih fakulteta najviše važnosti pridaju strukturalnim uzrocima korištenja socijalne pomoći (3,49±0,84), za kojima slijede mikro-okolišni (2,99±0,59), individualni (2,5±0,76) te fatalistički (2,15±0,72). OdreĎena razlika izmeĎu studenata ipak postoji, pa tako studenti socijalnog rada smatraju individualne uzroke statistički manje važnim od studenata ekonomije i šumarstva (F=11,002, p<0,001). |
Abstract (english) | The quantitative research, whose main goal was to examine the opinion and attitudes of students who study in Zagreb Universities about the beneficiaries of material welfare, is presented in this paper.
The research included 121 student of: Social Work Study Centre, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Economics and Business. The data has been collected by questionnaire, and it has been processed by the procedure of quantitative analysis. The results discovered that students of each questionned university most importance give to the structural causes of uses of material welfare (3,49±0,84), which are followed by micro-environmental (2,99±0,59), than individual (2,5±0,76) and last, fatalistic causes (2,15±0,72).
However, there is a certain difference between the students, so the students of Social Work consider individual causes statistically less important that the students of Economy and students of Forestry (F=11,002, p<0,001). |