Title Utjecaj organizacija civilnog društva na kvalitetu života starijih osoba
Title (english) The impact of civil society organisations on the quality of life of the older people
Author Karla Puškadija
Mentor Danijel Baturina (mentor)
Committee member Danijel Baturina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Štambuk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Dobrotić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Methodology of Research in Social Work and Social Polici) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-02-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Proces demografskog starenja jedan je od glavnih izazova u Europi, ali i u svijetu. Hrvatsko društvo je u posebno lošem položaju s obzirom da pripada skupini od deset europskih zemalja s najvišim udjelom starijih osoba u ukupnoj populaciji. Starenje stanovništva opterećuje resurse socijalne države, ponajviše u pogledu mirovinskog i zdravstvenog sustava te sustava socijalne skrbi. Pitanja položaja i skrbi za starije osobe postaju sve aktualnija, a osim države u njihovo rješavanje uključuju se i drugi dionici poput civilnog društva. Starije osobe nalaze se u višestruko ranjivom položaju (siromaštvo, socijalna isključenost, diskriminacija, nasilje) što značajno utječe na njihovu kvalitetu života. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ulogu organizacija civilnog društva u kvaliteti života starijih osoba, odnosno na koje načine organizacije kroz svoje programe/projekte brinu o kvaliteti života starijih osoba te što organizacije civilnog društva vide kao glavne izazove u području rada sa starijim osobama. Na temelju kvalitativne istraživačke metodologije provedeni su polustrukturirani intervjui s deset ispitanika-zaposlenika u udrugama civilnog društva sa sjedištem u Gradu Zagrebu koje djeluju u području starijih osoba. Analizom okvira određeno je šest tema od kojih se pet odnosilo na dimenzije kvalitete života starijih osoba (životni standard, zdravlje, funkcionalnost, društvena uključenost i osobna dobrobit), a posljednja na izazove organizacija u radu sa starijima. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako udruge provode različite programe/projekte koji su povezani s kvalitetom života starijih osoba, ali i ističu određene izazove u tom području. Iako država i u ovom kontekstu Grad Zagreb prepoznaju potencijale civilnog društva te ih predviđaju kao sunositelje mjera u području starijih osoba, određeni izazovi poput financijskih i prostornih ograničenja, ograničenja ljudskih resursa i birokracije ukazuju na potrebu osnaživanja i podrške civilnom društvu kako bi ono moglo što je više moguće iskoristiti svoj potencijal.
Abstract (english) The process of demographic aging is one of the main challenges in Europe, but also in the world. Croatian society is in a particularly bad position considering that it belongs to the group of ten European countries with the highest proportion of elderly people in the total population. The aging of the population burdens the resources of the welfare state, mostly in terms of the pension and health systems and the social welfare system. The issues of the position and care of the older people are becoming more and more topical, and in addition to the state, other stakeholders such as civil society are involved in solving them. Elderly people are in a multiple vulnerable position (poverty, social exclusion, discrimination, violence) which significantly affects their quality of life. The aim of this paper is to show the role of civil society organizations in the quality of life of the older people, that is, in what ways do organisations take care of the quality of life of the older people through their programs/projects, and what do civil society organizations see as the main challenges in the field of work with the elderly. Based on qualitative research methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten respondents-employees in civil society associations based in the City of Zagreb that operate in the field of older people. The framework analysis determined six topics, five of which related to the dimensions of the quality of life of the older people (standard of living, health, functionality, social inclusion and personal well-being) and the last related to the challenges of organizations in working with the older people. The research showed that associations implement various programs/projects that are related to the quality of life of the older people, but also highlight certain challenges in this area. Although the state and in this context the City of Zagreb recognizes the potential of civil society and foresees them as co-bearers of measures in the area of the elderly, certain challenges such as financial and spatial limitations, human resource limitations and bureaucracy point to the need to strengthen and support civil society so that it could use its potential as much as possible.
starije osobe
kvaliteta života
organizacije civilnog društva
Keywords (english)
older people
quality of life
civil society organisations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:560771
Study programme Title: Social Policy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne politike (magistar/magistra socijalne politike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-21 10:56:54