Abstract | Postavši članicom Vijeća Europe 1996. godine, Republika Hrvatska je istovremeno potpisala i postala strankom Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda. Time se obvezala na poštivanje svih konvencijskih prava uključujući i pravo na pošteno suđenje koje je uređeno člankom 6. Konvencije. Njegovo tumačenje i primjena su središnja tema ovog rada, promatrani s aspekta disciplinskih (stegovnih) postupaka, uz poseban osvrt na predmete koji su se pred Europskim sudom za ljudska prava u vezi tih postupaka vodili protiv Republike Hrvatske. Prije analize glavne teme, navedeni su najvažniji podaci o samoj Konvenciji i položaju naše države kao stranke. Nakon toga je napravljen pregled općih i posebnih aspekata prava na pošteno suđenje. Nakon pojašnjenja pojma disciplinskog postupka, posebna pozornost posvećena je građanskom i kaznenom aspektu spomenutog prava te mjerilima primjenjivosti jednog i drugog utvrđenima kroz sudsku praksu. Potom su istaknuti elementi koji čine pravo na pošteno suđenje te analizirani oni koji se odnose na prava koja su u njemu prešutno sadržana. U odnosu na navedeno, dan je pregled predmeta vođenih protiv Republike Hrvatske, a koji su bili vezani uz disciplinske postupke. Naposljetku, u zaključku su prepoznata važna postignuća Europskog suda u odnosu na razvoj tumačenja i primjene članka 6. Konvencije i prava na pošteno suđenje, ali i razmišljanja o potrebi daljnjeg jačanja njegove zaštite. |
Abstract (english) | While becoming a member state of the Council of Europe in 1996., the Republic of Croatia simultaneously signed and became a party to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. By doing that, it obliged to respect conventional rights, including the right to a fair trial which is regulated in article 6. of the Convention. It's interpetation and application are the central topics of this paper, observed from the aspect of disciplinary procedures, with special reference to cases that have been led against Croatia before the European Court of Human Rights. Before covering the main topic, the most important information about the Convention itself and the position of the Republic of Croatia as it's party state has been stated. After that, an overview of general and specific aspects of the right to a fair trial has been given. After giving the definition of the term disciplinary proceedings, special regard was given to the civil and criminal aspects of said right, as well as to the criteria of applicability of both aspects, established through case law. Then, the elements of the right to a fair trial have been highlighted, with specifically adressing the elements that are tacitly contained within that right. In relation to the above, an overview of all cases that have been led against the Republic of Croatia, concerning disciplinary proceedings, was given. Finally, in the conclusion, recognition was given to the important achievements of the European Court, concerning the development of interpetation and application of article 6., while stating the thoughts on the need for further strengthening of it's protection. |