Title Izazov izlaska mladih iz sustava alternativne skrbi
Title (english) The challenge of exiting young people from the system of alternative care
Author Irena Nikolić
Mentor Branka Sladović-Franz (mentor)
Committee member Branka Sladović-Franz (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vanja Branica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Urbanc (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (In social work) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-05-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Specific Areas of Social Work
Abstract Djeci i mladima s iskustvom života u alternativnoj skrbi, odvojenima od biološke obitelji, proces odrastanja iznimno je zahtjevan budući da najčešće ostaju bez formalne podrške i funkcionalne socijalne mreže, istodobno suočeni s nizom izazova samostalnog života. Mladi koji se pripremaju za izlazak iz skrbi i oni koji već neko vrijeme žive samostalno ukazali su na mnoštvo problema s kojima se susreću, a na koje nisu bili pripremljeni.
U ovom diplomskom radu pokušat ću opisati proces pripreme mladih za izlazak iz Dječjeg doma Vrbina Sisak iz perspektive stručnih djelatnika preko istraživačkih pitanja: Kako stručnjaci percipiraju spremnost mladih koji izlaze iz doma te koje su njihove najrelevantnije potrebe u procesu izlaska iz skrbi? Koje poteškoće/izazove stručnjaci navode kao relevantne u tom periodu? Što stručnjaci rade na području pripreme mladih na izlazak iz skrbi? Koji su prijedlozi za poboljšanje sustava izlaska iz skrbi?
Kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno je na namjernom uzorku od šest sudionika zaposlenih u Dječjem domu Vrbina Sisak. Korištena je kvalitativna metoda prikupljanja podataka-polustrukturirani intervju. Intervju se sastoji od deset pitanja otvorenoga tipa i njima pridruženih potpitanja. Za obradu prikupljenih podataka korištena je metoda analize sadržaja. Rezultati su pokazali da su mladi generalno nespremni na samostalan život i da to između ostaloga ovisi o njihovoj osobnoj motivaciji, ozbiljnosti shvaćanja same pripreme i o mjeri u kojoj se oslanjaju na pomoć stručnih radnika. Veliku ulogu u spremnosti mladih za izlazak iz skrbi ima i njihova socijalna mreža. Sudionici smatraju da su osiguravanje egzistencijalnih potreba, savladavanje praktičnih životnih vještina, donošenje zajedničkih odluka u najboljem interesu djeteta i rad na samostalnosti iznimno bitne kako bi se mlada osoba uspješno osamostalila. Kada je riječ o poteškoćama s kojima se mladi susreću u tom procesu, istraživanje je pokazalo da su to nerealna slika samostalnog života, prepreke u procesu izlaska iz skrbi u smislu izostanka sustavnih rješenja, problema zapošljavanja mladih i nedostatka vremena stručnog osoblja te određene osobne karakteristike mlade osobe. Na pitanje što stručnjaci rade na području pripreme mladih na izlazak iz skrbi sudionici su odgovarali da rade savjetodavnu pripremu i pripremu praktične naravi. Govoreći o prijedlozima za poboljšanje cijelog sustava saznajemo da postoje određene potrebe u samoj ustanovi u smislu povećanja broja zaposlenih, stručnog usavršavanja, savladavanja praktičnih životnih vještina za mlade osobe i sl., ali i konkretna pomoć u vidu osiguravanja radnog mjesta za mlade osobe i određena financijska pomoć. Za sam kraj, sudionici istraživanja mjeru organiziranog stanovanja uz povremenu podršku navode kao primjer dobre prakse.
Abstract (english) The process of growing up is extremely demanding for children and young people with the experience of life in alternative care. Being separated from their biological family, they are often left without formal support and a functional social network. Thus, they face a series of challenges whilst living an independent life. Young people who are preparing to leave the care and those who have been living independently for some time pointed out many problems they faced, for which they were not prepared.
The aim of this thesis is to describe the process of preparing young people to leave the Vrbina Sisak Children's Home from the perspective of experts. This was accomplished through a series of research questions: How do experts perceive the readiness of young people who leave the home and what are their most relevant needs in the process of leaving care? What difficulties / challenges do experts cite as relevant in that period? What do experts do in the process of preparing young people to leave care? What are the suggestions for improving the process when leaving the care system?
Qualitative research was conducted on a deliberate sample of six participants employed in the Vrbina Sisak Children's Home. A qualitative method of data collection was used – a semi-structured interview. The interview consisted of ten open-ended questions and their associated sub-questions. Content analysis was used as a research method to process the collected data. Results indicate that young people are generally unprepared for an independent life and that this depends, among other things, on their personal motivation, the seriousness of the preparation itself and the extent to which they rely on the help of professional workers. Their social network also plays a big role in the readiness of young people to leave care. The interviewed participants regard that ensuring existential needs, mastering practical life skills, making joint decisions is in the best interest of a child whilst working on self-reliance is extremely important in order for a young person to successfully become independent. When considering the difficulties faced by young people in this process, research has shown that they obtain an unrealistic image of an independent life, they face obstacles in the process of leaving care in the sense of the absence of systematic solutions, problems of employment for young people and lack of time of professional staff, as well as certain personal characteristics of young persons also play a role.
When asked what experts do in the field of preparing young people to leave care, the participants answered that they do counselling and practical preparation. In discussing propositions for improving the entire system, it becomes evident there are specific needs in the institution itself. Not only in terms of increasing the number of employees, professional training, mastering practical life skills for young people, etc., but also in concrete help in the form of securing a job for young people and certain financial help. help. Finally, research participants cite organized housing with occasional support as an example of good practice.
alternativna skrb
izlazak iz sustava alternativne skrbi
dom za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi
djeca i mladi bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi
izlazak iz doma za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi
Keywords (english)
alternative care
leaving the system of alternative care
home for children without adequate parental care
children and youth without adequate parental care
leaving the home for children without adequate parental care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:139208
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-05-17 11:13:37