Abstract | Europska unija kao medunarodna organizacija ima naj razvijenije mehanizme za5tite ljudskih i
socijalnih prava, zahvaljujudi opseZnom zakonodavstvu i sudskoj praksi u podrudju jednakog
postupanja i nastojanja da se rodna perspektiva ukljudi u podrudja politike i propisa s ciljem
uklanjanja nejednakosti. Ravnopravnost spolovajejedno od temeljnih nadela pravne stedevine
Europske unije kojima se nastoj i osigurati jednake moguinosti za sve. Postizanje
ravnopravnosti spolova kljudno je za ispunjavanje misije Vijeia Europe koja ukljuduje zaStitu
ljudskih prava, oduvanje demokracije i vladavinu prava. Najvazniji mehanizmi zaStite ljudskih
i socijalnih prava su Konvencija o temeljnim pravima i slobodama i Povelja o temeljnim
pravima Europske unije. Odredbe navedenih akata odreiluju varZnost nadelajednakosti i slobode
te zabranjuju diskriminaciju. Europska unija je donijela niz Direktiva radi lak5e implementacije
europskih pravila vezano za ravnopravnost spolova u nacionalno zakonodavstvo u drZavama
dlanice Europske unije. Republika Hrvatska nakon punopravnog dlanstva u Europskoj uniji,
preuzela je pravnu stedevinu Europske unije u nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Vidljiv je znadajan
napredak u podrudju rodne ravnopravnosti. Nacionalnim zakonodavnim aktima; Ustavom
Republike Hrvatske, Zakonom o ravnopravnosti spolova, Zakonom o suzbijanju diskriminacije
propisane sujednake moguinosti i prilike za Zene i mu5karce.
Institucionalni mehanizmi koji su uspostavljeni za provedbu politike ravnopravnosti spolova u
Republici Hrvatskoj djeluju kao tijela pri Hrvatskom Saboru, Vladi Republike Hrvatske i
Uredima drZavne uprave u Zupanijama.
Meclu najvaZnijim institucionalnim mehanizma u Republici Hrvatskoj je Pravobraniteljica za
ravnoprawost spolova. Kao samostalno i neovisno tijelo prati provedbu Zakona o
ravnopravnosti spolova te razmatra sludajeve povrede ravnopravnosti spolova i diskiminacije
koju podine tijela drZavne uprave, tijela lokalne i regionalne samouprave, tijela s javnim
Ravnopravnost spolova, Zakon o ravnopravnosti spolov4 Zakon o suzbijanju diskriminacije,
Povelja o temeljnim ljudskim pravima, Europski institut za ravnopravnost spolova,
Pravobraniteljica za ravnopravno st spolova.
The European Union, as an intemational organization, has the most developed mechanisms for
the protection ofhuman and social rights, thanks to extensive legislation and judicial practices
in the field of equal treatment and efforts to incorporate a gender perspective into policy areas
and regulations with the aim of eliminating inequalities. Gender equality is one of the
fundamental principles of the European Union's legal framework, aiming to ensure equal
opportunities for all. Achieving gender equality is crucial for fulfilling the mission of the
Council of Europe, which includes the protection of human rights, the preservation of
democracy, and the rule of law. The most important mechanisms for the protection of human
and social rights are the Convention on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The provisions of these acts emphasize the
importance ofthe principles ofequality and freedom and prohibit discrimination.
The European Union has adopted a series of Directives to facilitate the implementation of
European rules related to gender equality in the national legislation of EU member states. After
becoming a full member of the European Union, the Republic of Croatia incorporated the EU's
legal framework into its national legislation.
There has been significant progress in the field of gender equality. National legislative acts,
including the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, the Gender Equality Act, and the AntiDiscrimination Act, prescribe equal opportunities and treatment for women and men.
Institutional mechanisms established for the implementation of gender equality policy in the
Republic of Croatia operate as bodies within the Croatian Parliament, the Govemment of the
Republic of Croatia, and state administration offices in counties.
One of the most important institutional mechanisms in the Republic of Croatia is the
Ombudswoman for Gender Equality.
As an independent body, she monitors the implementation of the Gender Equality Act and
considers cases of gender equality violations and discrimination committed by state
administration bodies, local and regional self-govemment bodies, and public authorities.
Gender Equality, Gender Equality Act, Anti-Discrimination Act, Charter of Fundamental
Human Rights, European Institute for Gender Equality, Ombudswoman for Gender Equalit |
Abstract (english) | SUMMARY
The European Union, as an intemational organization, has the most developed mechanisms for
the protection ofhuman and social rights, thanks to extensive legislation and judicial practices
in the field of equal treatment and efforts to incorporate a gender perspective into policy areas
and regulations with the aim of eliminating inequalities. Gender equality is one of the
fundamental principles of the European Union's legal framework, aiming to ensure equal
opportunities for all. Achieving gender equality is crucial for fulfilling the mission of the
Council of Europe, which includes the protection of human rights, the preservation of
democracy, and the rule of law. The most important mechanisms for the protection of human
and social rights are the Convention on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The provisions of these acts emphasize the
importance ofthe principles ofequality and freedom and prohibit discrimination.
The European Union has adopted a series of Directives to facilitate the implementation of
European rules related to gender equality in the national legislation of EU member states. After
becoming a full member of the European Union, the Republic of Croatia incorporated the EU's
legal framework into its national legislation.
There has been significant progress in the field of gender equality. National legislative acts,
including the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, the Gender Equality Act, and the AntiDiscrimination Act, prescribe equal opportunities and treatment for women and men.
Institutional mechanisms established for the implementation of gender equality policy in the
Republic of Croatia operate as bodies within the Croatian Parliament, the Govemment of the
Republic of Croatia, and state administration offices in counties.
One of the most important institutional mechanisms in the Republic of Croatia is the
Ombudswoman for Gender Equality.
As an independent body, she monitors the implementation of the Gender Equality Act and
considers cases of gender equality violations and discrimination committed by state
administration bodies, local and regional self-govemment bodies, and public authorities. |