Abstract | Bartolova teorija statuta bila je odgovor na problem pravne raznolikosti koje se pojavila među gradovima sjeverne Italije u 14. stoljeću, a koji je bio posljedica povijesno-pravnih zbivanja na tom području u stoljećima koja su prethodila. Nakon propasti Rimskog Carstva, na području sjeverne Italije dolazi do osnutka gradova i širenja trgovine što uzrokuje promjene u tadašnjem pravnom poretku. Rimsko pravo koje je i dalje bilo prisutno kao općevažeće ne uspijeva odgovoriti potrebama svakodnevnog života koje su zahtijevale modernije uređenje. Gradovi formuliraju prve gradske statute pri čemu se oslanjaju na rimsko pravo kao najviši pravni autoritet. Međutim, pravo formuliraju tako da u obzir uzimaju posebnosti pojedinog grada, što dovodi do različitosti statuta gradova na području sjeverne Italije. Zbog toga, nakon duge tradicije univerzalnosti rimskog prava, proglašavanjem gradskih statuta dolazi do pojave pravnog partikularizma. Problemi su se počeli javljati u situacijama sklapanja ugovora trgovca iz različitih gradova. Postavlja se pitanje čiji statut primijeniti, odnosno koje pravo je mjerodavno za rješavanje pravnog problema. Dolazi do pojave prvih sukoba zakona koji svoje rješenje pronalaze u teoriji statuta. Predmet proučavanja ovog rada jest Bartolov pogled na sukob zakona te njegova teorija kao rješenje tih sukoba. Zastupnici statutarne teorije proučavali su sukobe između pravnih sustava, sukobe između domaćeg i stranog prava nastojeći pronaći način razlikovanja zakona koji imaju izvanteritorijalni učinak (i u kojim okolnostima) te koji zakoni nemaju učinak izvan područja važenja. Cilj je ovog rada upoznati se s okolnostima vremena u kojem je živio Bartolus i u kojem je nastala statutarna teorija, uočiti kako su one utjecale na pravne odnose i aktualne pravne probleme tog vremena te u konačnici izložiti temeljne postavke njegove teorije i time pridonijeti podizanju svijesti o velikom doprinosu njegova rada pravnoj znanosti. Ono što je bilo predmet Bartolova proučavanja danas je poznato kao međunarodno privatno pravo. Njegovo djelovanje bilo je usmjereno na rješavanje aktualnih i vrlo konkretnih pravnih izazova vremena u kojem je živio pri čemu, dakako, nije bio nimalo svjestan da time utire put novoj grani prava. Upravo ta sposobnost da prepozna i na praktičan način odgovori na pravne probleme svog vremena, modernost izričaja, sistematičnost rada učinili su ga jednim od najvećih pravnika svih vremena. |
Abstract (english) | Bartholan theory of statutes was a response to the problem of legal diversity that appeared among the cities of northern Italy in the fourteenth century, which was a consequence of the historical-legal events in that area in the centuries that preceded it. After the fall of the Roman Empire, cities were founded in northern Italy and trade expanded, which caused changes in the legal order. Roman law, which was still present as universally valid, fails to respond to the needs of everyday life, which required a more modern arrangement. Cities issue the first city statutes, relying on Roman law as the highest legal authority. However, they formulate the law in such a way that they take into account the peculiarities of each city, which leads to the diversity of the statutes of cities in the territory of northern Italy. This is why, after a long tradition of the universality of Roman law, the promulgation of city statutes led to the emergence of legal particularism. Problems began to appear in situations of concluding contracts with merchants from different cities. The question arises as to which law is applicable, that is, which law is authoritative for solving the legal problem. The first conflicts of laws appear, which find their solution in the theory of statutes. The subject of study in this paper is Bartolan view on the conflict of laws and his theory as a solution to these conflicts. Proponents of statutory theory studied conflicts between legal systems, conflicts between domestic and foreign law, trying to find a way to distinguish between laws that have extraterritorial effect (and under what circumstances) and which laws do not have extraterritorial effect. The aim of this paper is to get acquainted with the circumstances of the time in which Bartolus lived and in which the statutory theory was created, to see how they influenced legal relations and current legal problems of that time, and ultimately to present the basic tenets of his theory and thereby contribute to raising awareness of the great contribution of his work to legal science. What was the subject of Bartolan study is today known as private international law. His activities were aimed at solving the current and very concrete legal challenges of the time in which he lived, while, of course, he was not at all aware that he was paving the way for a new branch of law. It is this ability to recognize and respond in a practical way to the legal problems of his time, the modernity of expression, the systematicity of his work that made him one of the greatest jurists of all time. |