Title Djeca kao žrtve kaznanih djela
Title (english) Children as victims of crimial offenses
Author Nikolina Sertić
Mentor Aleksandar Maršavelski (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandar Maršavelski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Roksandić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Munivrana (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Criminal Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-10-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Glavna osobina ličnosti djeteta koja ga čini žrtvom kaznenih djela jest dob koja sa sobom nosi neznanje, nerazvijenost, podložnost drugima te često nemogućnost obrane od napada na njih. U radu su prikazana kaznena djela koja štite dijete kao moguću žrtvu. Prvu skupinu čine kvalificirani oblici kaznenih djela koja propisuju teže kazne zatvora ako su ista počinjena na štetu djeteta. Drugu skupinu čine kaznena djela seksualnog zlostavljanja i iskorištavanja djeteta kojima se štiti djetetov seksualni integritet i prerani ulazak u seksualne aktivnosti za koje dijete nije razvojno pripremljeno te za koje ne može dati zreli pristanak, a ujedno dovode do brojnih negativnih posljedica. Treću skupinu čine kaznena djela protiv braka obitelji i djece kojima se štiti dijete od tjelesnog i emocionalnog zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja. Ova kaznena djela moguće je podijeliti u tri skupine s obzirom na to je li objekt njihove povrede dijete, obitelj ili institucija braka. Ipak, pošto se djeca ubrajaju u članove obitelji, kaznena djela protiv obitelji smatraju se počinjena i protiv djece. Nakon otkrivanja kaznenog djela, dijete se štiti i kroz kazneni postupak. Od policijskih službenika pa sve do suda, kao i osoba izvan sustava zahtjeva se povećana pažnja i stručnost kako bi se spriječila sekundarna viktimizacija, ali i nastanak dodatnih te pogoršanje već postojećih posljedica počinjenja kaznenog djela. Kroz statističke podatke počinjenih kaznenih djela u razdoblju od 2018. godine do 2022. godine prikazan je međusoban odnos izloženih kaznenih djela te odnos prijavljenih, optuženih i osuđenih počinitelja.
Abstract (english) The main characteristic of a child's personality that makes him a victim of criminal offenses is his age, which brings with him ignorance, underdevelopment, susceptibility to others and often the inability to defend against attacks against them. The paper presents criminal offenses that protect the child as a possible victim. The first group consists of qualified forms of criminal offenses which impose more severe imprisonment sentences if they are committed against a child. The second group consists of criminal offenses of sexual abuse and child exploitation, which protect the child's sexual integrity and premature entry into sexual activities for which the child is not developmentally prepared and for which he cannot give mature consent and at the same time lead to numerous negative consequences. The third group consists of criminal offenses against the marriage, family and children, which protect the child from physical and emotional abuse and neglect. These criminal offenses can be divided into three groups, considering whether the object of their violation is a child, a family or the institution of marriage. However, since children are considered family members, crimes against the family are considered to be committed against children as well. After the criminal offense is discovered, the child is protected through criminal proceedings. From police officers all the way to the court, as well as people outside the system, increased attention and expertise are required in order to prevent secondary victimization, as well as the occurrence of additional and worsening of the already existing consequences of committing a crime. Through the statistical data of crimes committed in the period from 2018 to 2022, the relationship between the crimes exposed and the relationship between reported, accused and convicted criminals is shown.
kazneno djelo
kvalificirani oblik
spolno zlostavljanje
zaštita djeteta
Keywords (english)
criminal offense
qualified forms
sexsual abuse
child protection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:481062
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-17 07:27:47