Abstract | Jedina zabrana apsolutne naravi koja čini zajednički nazivnik svih međunarodnih dokumenata
s područja zaštite ljudskih prava jest zabrana mučenja, odnosno okrutnog, neljudskog i
ponižavajućeg postupanja i/ili kažnjavanja. Navedene pojmove u širem smislu, za potrebe
ovog rada radi jednostavnijeg izražavanja na pojedinim mjestima označavam i rječju tortura
ili zlostavljanje. Istraživanje koje je temelj ovog rada bilo je usmjereno upravo na utvrđivanje
pojavnosti torture (u širem smislu) u Republici Hrvatskoj naspram osoba lišenih slobode, s
njihova vlastitog aspekta.
Nakon uvodnog dijela koji sadrži uvodna razmatranja te kratki sadržaj rada po poglavljima i
primijenjenu metodologiju, dajem osvrt na pojavne oblike, metode i učestalost primjene
torture kroz povijest. Potom analiziram međunarodne pravne izvore o zabrani okrutnog,
neljudskog i ponižavajućeg postupanja ili kažnjavanja od kojih i izvore međunarodnog
humanitarnog prava te potom domaće pravne izvore. Slijedi poglavlje poredbenopravnog
osvrta. Analizirala sam iskustvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Republike Njemačke, kao
zemalja s različitim pristupom zaštiti osoba lišenih slobode. Nakon općenitih napomena
vezanih uz definiciju pojmova mučenja, okrutnog neljudskog i ponižavajućeg postupanja,
analiziram navedene pojmove prema Konvenciji protiv mučenja i drugih okrutnih, neljudskih
ili ponižavajućih kazni i postupaka UN-a te Europskoj konvenciji za zaštitu ljudskih prava i
temeljnih sloboda. Osim analize negativnih i pozitivnih obveza država temeljem članka 3.,
analiziram i temeljne standarde primjene čl. 3. Europskog suda za ljudska prava (dalje:
Analizirala sam i sudsku praksu Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske koja se odnosi na
neljudsko i ponižavajuće postupanje prema osobama lišenim slobode prema primijenjenim
standardima, s posebnim osvrtom na uvođenje novog pravnog sredstva – ustavna tužba u
slučajevima neučinkovite istrage. Potom analiziram dostupna pravna sredstva u Republici
Hrvatskoj u slučaju okrutnog, neljudskog i ponižavajućeg postupanja te njihovu učinkovitost,
pribavivši i statističke podatke nadležnih tijela. Slijedi analiza sudske prakse suca izvršenja
povodom podnesenih zahtjeva za sudskom zaštitom u periodu od 2010. do 2020.
Okosnicu rada čini empirijsko istraživanje provedeno anketiranjem neposredne ciljane
skupine – osoba lišenih slobode, i to ukupno 266 ispitanika, što predstavlja prvo istraživanje
takve vrste u Republici Hrvatskoj. Radom je potvrđena hipoteza da se u Republici Hrvatskoj
u značajnoj mjeri ne poštuju prava osoba lišenih slobode sukladno standardima ESLJP-a.
Rezultati istraživanja opravdavaju tezu da postoji visoki tamni broj kršenja ljudskih prava
osoba lišenih slobode, u kojima nije proveden odgovarajući postupak njihove remedacije.
Pojavni oblici povrede zabrane mučenja, neljudskog i ponižavajućeg postupanja jesu
iznuđivanje priznanja te discipliniranje neposlušnih na nezakonit način, no ne u jednakom
omjeru, kako je to bilo postavljeno drugom hipotezom istraživanja. Kao što će biti detaljno
izneseno, začuđujući je broj „ostalih“ motiva iz kojih, kako zatvorenici smatraju, dolazi do
takva postupanja, koji iznosi čak 70 %. Postojeći zakonodavni okvir, iako materijalnopravno
dobro reguliran, previše je raspršen, nejasan te neadekvatan i neučinkovit. U poglavlju
„Zaključna razmatranja i prijedlozi de lege ferenda“ iznosim prijedloge zakonodavnih
promjena koji su rezultat cjelokupnog analiziranog iskustva drugih zemalja te manjkavosti
koje su utvrđene analizom hrvatskog iskustva.
Cilj rada ostvaren je iznošenjem prijedloga kako uspostaviti učinkovit zakonodavni okvir koji
će primjenom u praksi prevenirati okrutno, neljudsko i ponižavajuće postupanje i kažnjavanje
pro futuro, odnosno svesti njegovu primjenu na minimum. |
Abstract (english) | The prohibition of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment is the only
absolute right which makes the common denominator of all international documents that deal
with the field of fundamental human rights. In certain places in this doctoral thesis for simpler
expression, these terms in wider sense I mark also with the words „torture“ or „ill-treatment“.
The conducted research which makes the core of this paper was exactly to establish
manifestation of torture (in wider sense) in the Republic of Croatia towards persons deprived
of their liberty, from their own point of view.
After introductory part which is contained of introductory considerations and brief content of
chapters and used methodology, I give a review of forms, methods and frequency of the use
of torture throughout history. Then, the analysis of international legal sources regarding
prohibition of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment is made, among which
also ones of international humanitarian law as well as domestic legal sources. Comparative
law review follows. I have analysed experience of United States of America as well as
Republic of Germany as those were the countries with different approach to the protection of
human rights. Ater general remark regarding definition of terms torture, cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment, I analyse these terms according to United Nation's Convention against
torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and treatments as well as according to
European convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Not only analysis of
negative and positive obligations of the States according to Article 3. is being given, then also
essential standards that European Court of Human Rights (futher ECtHR) applies in
connection to Article 3.
Furthermore, I have analysed the case law of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Croatia which refers to inhuman and degrading treatment of persons deprived of their liberty
according to applied standards, with special emphasis to the introduction of a new legal
remedy – constitutional complaint in cases of inefficient investigation. Moreover, I have also
analysed available legal remedies in Republic of Croatia in the cases of cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatments well as their efficiency, by obtaining statistical data of the competent
The analysis of the case-law of execution judges regarding requests for Court's protection in
the period from 2010 -2020 is being given.
The core of the paper makes empirical research conducted by directly surveying the targeted
group – persons deprived of their liberty, a total of 266 respondents, which research
represents the first such research in the Republic of Croatia. The paper confirmed the
hypothesis that in the Republic of Croatia, the rights of persons deprived of their liberty are,
to a significant extent, not being respected in accordance with the standards of the ECtHR.
The results of the research justify the thesis that there is a high number of human rights
violations of persons deprived of their liberty, in which the appropriate procedure for their
remediation has not been carried out. Manifestation forms of the violation of prohibition of
torture, inhuman and degrading treatment are extorting confessions and disciplining the
disobedient in an unlawful manner, but not in equal proportion, as it was set out in the second
hypothesis of the research. As it will be reasoned in detail, the number of “other” motives
from which, as the prisoners believe, such behaviour occurs, is surprising and amounts to as
much as 70%. The existing legislative framework, although well set-out in the substantive
law, is way too dispersed, unclear, inadequate and ineffective. In the chapter “Concluding
remarks and proposals de lege ferenda” I present proposals for legislative amendments which
are the outcome of the overall analysed experience of other countries and shortcomings which
were established in the analysis of the Croatian experience.
The aim of this paper is being achieved by the proposal how to establish an effective
legislative framework which would, applied in practice, prevent inhuman and degrading
treatment and punishment pro future, that is, which would reduce its application to a
minimum |