Abstract | Ciljevi rada su analiza statističkih podataka i povezivanje s rezultatima znanstvenih istraživanja o obilježjima mladih u sukobu sa zakonom, kako bismo utvrdili ključna obilježja, te sličnosti i razlike u rasprostranjenosti i dinamici kretanja problema i obilježja. Mladi u sukobu sa zakonom su većinom mladići. Žive u cjelovitoj obitelji, čime obiteljsko okružje ima značajan utjecaj. Većinom se radi o niže obrazovanim osobama u odnosu na ukupnu populaciju mladih. Po područjima nadležnosti Županijskih odvjetništva, najviše prebivaju unutar velikih urbanih područja, ali postoje razlike u raspostranjenosti. Većinom nemaju ranijih osuda, dok oni koji izvršavaju kaznu maloljetničkog zatvora većinom su recidivisti. Prekršaje čine samostalno, a kaznena djela podjednako samostalno i u sudioništvu. Zlouporaba opojnih droga i alkohola je izražena, te imovinska kaznena djela čine većinu. Skoro polovica prekršaja je iz Sigurnosti u prometu što indicira društveni fenomen i problem. Hrvatska ima manji broj incidencija u odnosu na ostale države u Europi. Zamjećen značajan pad incidencija, ne može se objasniti samo padom nataliteta, iseljavanjem i promjenama u zakonodavnom okviru, nego i s rastom ekonomskih mogućnosti praćenih padom stopa nezaposlenosti. Posebnu pozornost treba obratiti na mladiće i razloge zbog kojih oni dolaze u sukob sa zakonom. Mjere, programi i zakonodavni okvir trebaju imati djelovanje na ekosustav mladih koji čine obitelj, škola, vršnjaci, zajednica, država, te interakciju između ovih dijelova. Usmjeravati sankcije na razne programe i tretmane, uzimajući u obzir obilježja i okolnosti pojedinačnih slučajeva, te bitnost rehabilitacije i povratka u društvo. Nedostatak nadzora, loša financijska situacija, nasilje u obitelji, nedostatci u zajednici, školski neuspjeh i povezanost s devijantnim vršnjacima negativno utječe na pojavnost mladih u sukobu sa zakonom. Primijećene su određene nedosljednosti i manjkavosti u statističkim podacima o populaciji mladih, te posebno vezano za punoljetne mlade između navršene 18 i 30 godine života, koje nacionalne strategije i programi EU i RH definiraju kao mlade. |
Abstract (english) | The objectives of the paper are analysis of statistical data and linking with results of scientific research on characteristics of youth in conflict with the law to determine the key characteristics and similarities and differences in prevalence and dynamics of movement of problems and characteristics. Youth in conflict with the law are mostly young men. They live in a whole family, which means that family environment has a significant influence. Most of them are persons with lower education compared to the total youth population. According to areas of jurisdiction of the County State Attorney's Offices, most reside in large urban areas, but there are differences in distribution. Most of them have no previous convictions, while those who are serving a juvenile prison sentence are mostly recidivists. Misdemeanors are committed independently, and criminal offenses equally independently and in complicity. Abuse of narcotic drugs and alcohol is pronounced, and property crimes constitute the majority. Almost half of the offenses are from Road traffic safety, which indicates a social phenomenon and problem. Croatia has a lower number of incidences compared to other countries in Europe. The observed significant drop in incidences cannot be explained only by a decline in birth rates, emigration, and changes in the legislative framework, but also by the growth of economic opportunities accompanied by a decline in unemployment rates. Special attention should be paid to young men and the reasons why they come into conflict with the law. Measures, programs, and the legislative framework should have an effect on the youth ecosystem consisting of family, school, peers, community, state, and the interaction between these parts. Directing sanctions to various programs and treatments, considering the characteristics and circumstances of individual cases, and the importance of rehabilitation and return to society. Lack of supervision, poor financial situation, domestic violence, shortcomings in the community, school failure, and association with deviant peers negatively affect the occurrence of youth in conflict with the law. Certain inconsistencies and shortcomings were noticed in the statistical data on the youth population, especially related to young adults between the ages of 18 and 30, who are defined as youth by national strategies and programs of the EU and Croatia. |