Title Fideicommissum u rimskom pravu s osvrtom na zapise u suvremenom hrvatskom pravu
Title (english) Fideicommissum in Roman Law with review of Legacy in Contemporary Croatin Law
Author Lucija Lasić
Mentor Tomislav Karlović (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Karlović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Henrik-Riko Held (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Kanceljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Roman Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-12-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Opća ideja o rimskom pravu kao temelju suvremenog hrvatskog pravnog sustava analizirana je u ovom radu in concreto usporedbom rimskopravne ustanove fideicommissum i instituta zapisa uređenog odredbama Zakona o nasljeđivanju. U radu se prvo opisuje pojava i razvoj oblika singularne sukcesije mortis causa u rimskom pravu, kao opreke institutu imenovanja nasljednika i univerzalne sukcesije. Naime, dok je nasljednik kao univerzalni sukcesor stupao u cjeloviti pravni položaj ostavitelja, zapisovnik je na temelju oporučnog zapisa mogao stjecati imovinsku korist bez da snosi odgovornost za ostavinske dugove. Rimsko pravo je poznavalo dva oblika singularnih sukcesija – legatum (legat) i fideicommissum (povjerbina, fideikomis) koji su se međusobno razlikovali iz formalnopravnih razloga. Povjerbina se javlja kao oportunija alternativa strogo formalnom legatu te je zbog svoje pojednostavljene forme često korištena kao način zaobilaženja zakonskih ograničenja glede pasivne testamentifikacije. Osim toga, općenito je postala uobičajena praksa da ostavitelj primjenom zapisa namijeni cijelu ili veći dio ostavine trećoj osobi (legataru, fideikomisaru), slijedom čega je imenovanom nasljedniku preostajalo puko ime nasljednika i odgovornost za ostavinske dugove. S ciljem zaštite interesa nasljednika i istovremenog očuvanja pravnog učinka zapisa i povjerbina, rimsko pravo je najprije ograničilo raspolaganje putem legata, a potom i putem povjerbina (SC Trebellianum, SC Pegasianum). U konačnici je u Justinijanovom pravu uspostavljena funkcionalna ravnoteža između univerzalne sukcesije i singularne sukcesije mortis causa. Suvremeno hrvatsko pravo poznaje jedinstveni institut zapisa (legata) na čije je uređenje neupitno utjecala rimska pravna tradicija. Iako pozitivno pravo ne dopušta primjenu posebnih oblika povjerbenih odnosa (povjerbenu zamjenu i obiteljsku povjerbinu), te i sam institut nosi ime legata, u radu je analizom odredaba Zakona o nasljeđivanu ukazano na brojne karakteristike instituta zapisa koje odgovaraju karakteristikama rimske povjerbine.
Abstract (english) General idea of the Roman law as the basis of the contemporary Croatian legal system is analysed in concreto in this paper through a comparison of the Roman law fideicommissum and the legacies regulated by the provisions of the Succession Act. It is first shown how the concept of singular succession mortis causa appeared and developed in Roman law, as opposed to the appointment of heirs and the universal succession. Namely, while the heir as an universal successor succeeded into a legal position of the deceased, the legatee could obtain a benefit arising out of legacy without being responsible for the debts of the succession. In Roman law, the singular succession was realized in two forms – legatum (legacy) and fideicommissum (trust), distinguished on the formal grounds. Trust emerged as an appropriate alternative to the formal legacy (legatum) and it was often used as a way of circumventing legal restrictions with regard to the passive testamentary capacity. Moreover, it became common practice that testator, with the trust provisions, intended the whole or a large part of the estate to the third party (legatee, beneficiary under the trust) and left the appointed heir nothing but the empty title of heir and liability for the debts of the estate. In order to protect the interests of the heirs and at the same time to preserve the legal effect produced by legacies and trusts, Roman law firstly restricted disposal by legacies, and then by trusts (SC Trebellianum, SC Pegasianum). Finally, a functional balance between universal succession and singular succession mortis causa was established in Justinian’s law. Contemporary Croatian law also provides for the legacy which was unquestionably influenced by the Roman legal tradition. Although the law in force does not allow for the use of special forms of fideicommissary relations (fideicommissary substitution, family trust), while the institution itself bears the name of legatum, it is pointed, through the analysis of Succession Act provisions, that a number of features of legacy today correspond to the features of the Roman trust (fideicommissum).
singularna sukcesija mortis causa
SC Trebellianum
SC Pegasianum
Keywords (english)
singular succession mortis causa
SC Trebellianum
SC Pegasianum
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:857092
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava (sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-12-20 07:42:12