Abstract | U diplomskom radu prikazano je funkcioniranje socios ili članskog modela upravljanja nogometnim klubovima. Model se temelji na demokratskom načelu ,,jedan član – jedan glas“, što znači da svaki punoljetni član nogometnoga kluba, bio klub ustrojen u pravnom obliku udruge ili trgovačkog društva u vlasništvu svojih članova, ima pravo glasa pod uvjetom da klubu plaća godišnju članarinu. Ovisno o specifičnostima socios modela kojim se upravlja klubom te ovisno o državi u kojoj se provodi, članovi imaju različita članska prava i mogućnosti. Model je prikazan na primjeru dva kluba koji ga primjenjuju, španjolska FC Barcelona kao najpoznatiji socios klub i preteča modela te HNK Hajduk koji je začetnik modela u Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se lakše shvatile razlike u pravnom ustroju spomenutih klubova, najprije su prikazane, prema hrvatskom pravnom poretku, specifičnosti pravnih oblika udruge i sportskoga dioničkog društva. Nakon toga, kako bi se dobila šira slika o položaju socios klubova, prikazani su klubovi u privatnom vlasništvu koji stoje nasuprot socios modelu. Središnji dio rada čini sam socios model upravljanja i njegove temeljne karakteristike. Potom se na primjerima Barcelone i Hajduka detaljnije prikazuje taj demokratski model, uspoređuje kako on funkcionira u tim klubovima i koje razlike postoje unutar modela. Nakon kratkog opisa povijesti dvaju klubova, pojašnjavaju se njihovi pravni oblici te članstvo i članska prava kao okosnica modela. Objašnjen je i poseban socios model, odnosno posebno pravilo njemačkog nogometa koje ne dopušta privatnicima preuzimanje kontrole nad upravljanjem nogometnim klubovima u toj zemlji. Na kraju, u zaključku diplomskog rada, dano je mišljenje o prikladnosti i održivosti socios modela upravljanja nogometnim klubovima u vremenima sve većeg ulaganja novca u svijetu nogometu s naglaskom na daljnje istraživanje i provedbu modela kako bi se dodatno usavršavao i razvijao te tako otvarao svoja vrata klubovima koji nemaju luksuz velikog broja članova. Izvrstan primjer razvijanja modela daje njemački nogomet koje na najbolji mogući način spaja transparentnost i poticanje investicija s uključenošću najšireg kruga navijača u rad sportskih klubova pa se u zaključku rada ukazuje na mogućnost kopiranja njemačkog modela unutar hrvatskog sportskog prava. |
Abstract (english) | The master's thesis presents the functioning of the socios or membership model of football club management. The model is based on the democratic principle of "one member - one vote", which means that every adult member of the football club, whether the club is organized as an association or a commercial company owned by its members, has the right to vote provided that they pay the annual membership fee. Depending on the specifics of the socios model managing the club and depending on the country in which it is implemented, members have different membership rights and possibilities. The model is illustrated through the example of two clubs that apply it: the Spanish FC Barcelona as the most famous socios club and the precursor of the model, and HNK Hajduk, which is the pioneer of the model in Croatia. In order to better understand the differences in the legal structure of these clubs, the specificities of the legal forms of association and sports joint-stock companies are first presented according to Croatian legal order. After that, in order to get a broader picture of the position of socios clubs, privately owned clubs that stand across the socios ones are presented. The central part of the thesis consists of the socios model of management and its fundamental characteristics. Then, using the examples of Barcelona and Hajduk, this democratic model is further detailed, comparing how it functions in these clubs and what differences exist within the model. After a brief description of the history of the two clubs, their legal forms, membership, and membership rights as the cornerstone of the model are explained. The special socios model is also elucidated, namely the special rule of German football that does not allow private individuals to take control of football clubs in that country. Finally, in the conclusion of the master's thesis, an opinion is given on the suitability and sustainability of the socios model of football club management in times of increasing investment in the world of football, with an emphasis on further research and implementation of the model to further refine and develop it and thus open its doors to clubs that do not have the luxury of a large number of members. An excellent example of the development of the model is given by German football, which in the best possible way combines transparency and encouraging investment with the involvement of the widest circle of fans in the work of sports clubs, so the conclusion of the paper indicates the possibility of copying the German model within Croatian sports law. |