Title Pojam dostojanstva u prekršajnom pravu
Title (english) The concept of dignity in misdemeanor law
Author Monika Zorčec
Mentor Marko Šikić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Šikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Ofak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Turudić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Administrative Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-06-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Administrative Law and Administration
Abstract U ovom radu posvećujem se ljudskim pravima i njihovoj poveznici s ljudskim dostojanstvom. Naglasak stavljam na prekršajno pravo, Ustav Republike Hrvatske kao izvor prekršajnog prava te njihove odredbe koje direktno i izričito spominju ljudsko dostojanstvo.
Ljudska prava nezaobilazno su i neraskidivo povezana s ljudskim bićima od samih početaka postojanja naroda i država. Do njihova prepoznavanja i stavljanja kao pisani trag u dokumente država prošlo je puno vremena.
Riječ dostojanstvo potječe od latinske riječi dignitas, to je izraz koji se koristi na području morala, etike i političkih rasprava. U ranim kulturama ono se pripisivalo samo pojedincima. Mnogi današnji demokratski ustavi sadrže pojam dostojanstva i na isti se gleda na principu jednakosti i ravnopravnosti.
Ustav postavlja opće norme te ustanovljuje temeljne institute i načela kaznenog i prekršajnog prava. Ustav Republike Hrvatske u čl. 23. propisuje da nitko ne smije biti podvrgnut bilo kakvom obliku zlostavljanja. Čl. 25. st. 1. Ustava poseban je izraz te opće zabrane zlostavljanja, usmjeren prema posebnim skupinama osoba – uhićenicima. Čl. 35. Ustava svakome jamči poštovanje i pravnu zaštitu njegova osobnog i obiteljskog života, dostojanstva, ugleda i časti.
Prekršaji i prekršajnopravne sankcije propisuju se za ona ponašanja kojima se povređuje ili ugrožava javni poredak, društvena disciplina, društvene vrijednosti zajamčene i zaštićene ustavom, međunarodnim ugovorima i zakonom. Prekršajni zakon je opći propis kojim se propisuju odredbe koje se odnose na sve prekršaje propisane u drugim zakonima i propisima.
Pojam dostojanstva izričito se ističe u nekoliko članaka Prekršajnog zakona: čl. 7. – načelo razmjernosti i zabrana mučenja, čl. 45. – zabrana nerazumnih i nemogućih obveza, čl. 90. – nezakoniti dokazi, čl. 152. d – rad za opće dobro, čl. 165. – dostojanstvo suda.
Abstract (english) In this paper I focus on human rights and their connection with human dignity. I emphasize misdemeanor law, the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia as a source of misdemeanor law and their provisions that directly and explicitly mention human dignity.
Human rights are inevitably and inextricably linked to human beings from the very beginning of the existence of nations and states. It took a long time before they were recognized and placed as a written trace in state documents.
The word dignity comes from the Latin word dignitas, it is a term used in the field of morals, ethics and political debates. In early cultures it was attributed only to individuals. Many of today's democratic constitutions contain the concept of dignity and the same is viewed on the principle of equality.
The Constitution sets general norms and establishes basic institutes and principles of criminal and misdemeanor law. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia in Art. 23 stipulates that no one should be subjected to any form of abuse. Art. 25, paragraph 1 of the Constitution is a special expression of this general prohibition of abuse, aimed at special groups of persons – detainees. Art. 35 of the Constitution guarantees everyone respect and legal protection of his personal and family life, dignity, reputation and honor.
Violations and misdemeanor sanctions are prescribed for those behaviors that violate or threaten public order, social discipline, social values guaranteed and protected by the constitution, international agreements and the law. Misdemeanor law is a general regulation that prescribes provisions relating to all misdemeanors prescribed in other laws and regulations.
The concept of dignity is expressly emphasized in several articles of the Misdemeanor Code: Art. 7. – the principle of proportionality and the prohibition of torture, Art. 45. – prohibition of unreasonable and impossible obligations, Art. 90. – illegal evidence, Art. 152. d – work for the common good, Art. 165. – dignity of the court.
ljudska prava
Ustav Republike Hrvatske
prekršajno pravo
Keywords (english)
human rights
Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
misdemeanor law
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:367281
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava (sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-06-24 08:40:14