Abstract | Ovaj rad se bavi temom osnaživanja mladih iz alternativne skrbi te je cilj ovog rada prikazati koliko je važno kontinuirano raditi na osnaživanju mladih, prikazati neke primjere iz prakse kako iz Hrvatske tako i iz drugih zemalja Europe te prikazati zaključke nekih istraživanja vezanih za ovu temu. S obzirom da se mladi iz skrbi od svojih vršnjaka izvan skrbi razlikuju po nedostatku primarne obiteljske podrške i poteškoćama koje nosi život u alternativnoj skrbi te radi toga iskazuju razne negativne posljedice poput lošijeg samopouzdanja, niže razine obrazovanja, problema s ovisnošću, agresivnošću i sl. odabrala sam upravo tu skupinu korisnika za svoj rad jer je za njih osnaživanje od ključne važnosti. Samo osnaživanje ima više definicija, no svi se stručnjaci slažu da je to dugotrajan, postepen i aktivan proces osobnog rasta i razvoja, a uključuje različite aktivnosti od individualnog savjetovanja do grupnih radionica. Razna istraživanja su pokazala određene probleme i nakon izlaska mladih iz institucije što upućuje na to da bi se proces osnaživanja trebao nastaviti i nakon što mladi izađu iz skrbi. Također, postavlja se pitanje koliko mladi mogu utjecati na provođenje samog procesa, da li imaju pravo izraziti svoje mišljenje, davati prijedloge i donositi odluke ili se mišljenja stručnjaka stavljaju u prvi plan. Prema jednom Kanadskom istraživanju zaključak je da zaključak je da mladi vjeruju u sam proces ali smatraju da ih se treba više uključiti. Na kraju rada dati ću svoj osvrt na temu. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the topic of empowering young people from alternative care, and the aim of this paper is to show how important it is to continuously work on empowering young people, to show some examples from practice both in Croatia and in other European countries, and to show the conclusions of some research related to this topic. Given that young people in care differ from their peers outside of care in terms of the lack of primary family support and the difficulties that life in alternative care brings, and because of this, they show various negative consequences such as lower self-confidence, lower levels of education, problems with addiction, aggression, etc., I have chosed this very group of users for my work because empowerment is of key importance for them. Empowerment itself has several definitions, but all experts agree that it is a long-term, gradual and active process of personal growth and development, and includes various activities from individual counseling to group workshops. Various studies have shown certain problems even after young people leave the institution, which indicates that the empowerment process should continue even after young people leave care. Also, the question arises as to how young people can influence the implementation of the process itself, whether they have the right to express their opinion, make suggestions and make decisions, or whether the opinions of experts are put in the foreground. According to a Canadian study, the conclusion is that young people believe in the process itself, but think that they should be more involved. At the end of the paper, I will give my review of the topic. |