Abstract | Rad stranaca u Hrvatskoj predstavlja veoma važan segment suvremenog tržišta rada. Tokom svoje prošlosti Hrvatska je, nažalost, primarno bila iseljenička zemlja. Iseljavanje je, uz ostale čimbenike, dovelo Hrvatsku u izuzetno nepovoljnu demografsku situaciju što je posljedično dovelo do nedostatka radne snage, posebice u sektorima kao što su graditeljstvo, turizam i zdravstvo. Problem nedostatka radne snage nastoji se riješiti „uvozom“ stranih radnika. Prethodnih godina većina stranih radnika dolazila je iz nama susjednih država, odnosno iz zemalja jugoistočne Europe. Te radnike bilo je relativno lako integrirati u hrvatsko društvo. No, u novije vrijeme sve je veći priljev stranih radnika iz dalekih zemalja poput Nepala, Indije i Bangladeša. To s jedne strane predstavlja velike izazove koji uključuju jezične barijere i kulturnu prilagodbu, a s druge strane pruža priliku za gospodarski rast i razvoj. Hrvatska je do 2021. godine rad državljana državljana trećih zemalja regulirala prema tzv. sustavu kvota. Taj sustav nije odgovarao potrebama poslodavaca i bio je loše prilagođen naglim promjenama na tržištu rada stoga je zamijenjen novim fleksibilnijim sustavom koji je trenutno na snazi, a temelji se na tzv. testu tržišta rada. S obzirom da su radni odnosi i tržište rada vrlo dinamično područje, postojeći pravni okvir koji regulira rad stranaca trebat će se mijenjati i nadopuniti kako bi što bolje bio prilagođen postojećim potrebama i izazovima na tržištu rada. |
Abstract (english) | The work of foreigners in Croatia represents a very important segment of the modern labour market. In its past, Croatia was, unfortunately, primarily a country of emigrants. Emigration has, among other factors, brought Croatia into an extremely unfavourable demographic situation, which consequently led to labour shortages, especially in sectors such as construction, tourism and healthcare. The problem of labour shortage is being solved by "importing" foreign workers. In previous years, most foreign workers came from our neighbouring countries, that is, from the countries of Southeast Europe. It was relatively easy to integrate these workers into Croatian society. However, recently there has been an increasing influx of foreign workers from distant countries like Nepal, India and Bangladesh. In one hand, this presents great challenges that include language barriers and cultural adaptation, and on the other hand it provides an opportunity for economic growth and development. Croatia has regulated the work of citizens of third countries until 2021 according to the so-called quota system. That system did not meet the needs of employers and was poorly adaptable to sudden changes in the labour market, therefore it was replaced by a new, more flexible one. The currently enforced system is based on the so-called labour market test. Given that labour relations and the labour market is a very dynamic area, the existing legal framework that regulates work of foreigners will need to be changed and supplemented to be better adapted to the existing needs and challenges of the labour market. |