Abstract | Ovaj rad donosi pregled literatura tematike beskućništva i mentalnog zdravlja kao i jedan prikaz slučaja, donosno intervju s beskućnikom. Cilj razgovora bio je dobiti uvid u iskustvo življenja u beskućništvu i upoznatosti s pojmom mentalnog zdravlja. S obzirom da je beskućništvo kompleksan pojam, na pitanje što ga uzrokuje teško je dati odgovor. To je spoj raznih životnih situacija kao što su dugotrajni zdravstveni problemi, ovisnosti, problemi u obitelji, gubitak posla, krediti i neadekvatna podrška sustava. Kroz rad se naglašava važnost mentalnog zdravlja za cjelokupnu dobrobit čovjeka. Život u beskućništvu obilježen je svakodnevnim osjećajem straha radi opasnosti života na ulici, srama, usamljenosti, odbačenosti, gladi, što tu skupinu ljudi čini iznimno ranjivima i sklonima razvoju mentalnih bolesti. Često stigmatiziranje lokalne zajednice beskućnika kao ovisnika, nasilnika, odražava začarani krug siromaštva i duševne smetnje. Začarani krug se očituje kroz učestalo izlaženje i ulaženje u status beskućnika. Jedan provedeni intervju s beskućnikom oslikava svu kompleksnost života u beskućništvu odnosno njegovih uzroka i posljedica. Iz provedenog razgovora doznaje se kako težak životni početak kao što je odrastanje s ocem ovisnikom, narušeni obiteljski odnosi, ne poznavanje osjećaja bliskosti, uvelike utječe na budućnost u odrasloj dobi. |
Abstract (english) | This paper provides an overview of different literature on the topic of homelessness and mental health, as well as one case study, including an interview with a homeless person. The aim of the interview was to gain insight into the experience of living in homelessness as well as familiarity with the concept of mental health. Given that homelessness is a complex term, it is difficult to answer the question of what causes it. It is a combination of various life situations such as long-term health problems, addictions, family problems, job loss, loans and inadequate system support. Through this paper the importance of mental health for the overall well-being of a person is emphasized. Life in homelessness is characterized by a daily feeling of fear due to the danger of living on the street, shame, loneliness, rejection, hunger, which makes this group of people extremely vulnerable and prone to the development of mental illnesses. The frequent stigmatization of the local community to homeless as addicts and violent people reflects the vicious cycle of poverty and mental disorders. The vicious circle manifests itself through frequent exits and entry into the status of homeless. The interview, that was conducted for this paper, illustrates all the complexity of life in homelessness, its causes and consequences. From the interview, it became clear that a difficult start in life, such as growing up with an addicted father, damaged family relationships, not knowing the feeling of closeness, greatly affects the future in adulthood. |