Abstract | Glavna tema rada su ugovori o doživotnom i dosmrtnom uzdržavanju kroz novosti Zakona o obveznim odnosima kojim su i uređeni. Oba instituta upoznata su kroz zakonsko uređenje, karakteristike i međusobne razlike. Sami ugovori predmet su čestih kritika zbog zlouporabe od strane davatelja uzdržavanja. U tim slučajevima svrha više nije zaštita i pomoć slabijima, već brzo bogaćenje bez temelja. Unatoč tim kritikama, ugovori su danas često korišteni i nerijetko dovode do sporova u kojima se u pravilu nađu stariji koji nisu u stanju brinuti o svojim osnovnim potrebama. U radu su istaknuti neki slučajevi iz sudske prakse, a oni potvrđuju činjenicu da kritike koje prate ugovore nisu bez temelja. Osim tih slučajeva iz prakse, rad se osvrće na zlouporabu ugovora od strane davatelja, ali i primatelja uzdržavanja kroz zaobilaženje instituta nasljednog prava. Zakonodavac je novim izmjenama Zakona o obveznim odnosima od 30. prosinca 2023. pokušao osnažiti položaj primatelja uzdržavanja. U radu je obrađen put koji je prethodio tim izmjenama, pa i komentari javnosti na isti. U glavnom dijelu rada opisane su novosti iz zakona s kritičkim razmišljanjima o njima. Upravo tim izmjenama zakonodavac je otvorio nova pitanja koja su istaknuta u radu. Zaključno, rad se osvrće na najbitnije izmjene u ugovorima o doživotnom i dosmrtnom uzdržavanju, te koliko će te novosti u praksi spriječiti buduće davatelje uzdržavanja u iskorištavanju ranjive skupine. |
Abstract (english) | The primary focus of this thesis lies on the changes to the lifelong support agreement and the support until death agreement, as regulated by the amended Civil Obligations Act. Both types of agreements are explored through analysis of their overarching legislative framework, unique characteristics, and key differences. Both lifelong support agreement and support until death agreement are frequently criticized due to their potential for misuse by the caregivers, where instead of fulfilling their original purpose of providing protection and support to vulnerable individuals, they can become a means of illicit gain. Despite these criticisms, such agreements continue to be widely used and frequently result in legal disputes, often involving elderly individuals who are unable to take care of their own basic needs. Several case-law examples are highlighted in the paper, confirming that the criticisms surrounding these agreements are well-founded. In addition to these real-world cases, the thesis also addresses the misuse of the agreements by both caregivers and beneficiaries, with a particular focus on how these agreements are used to bypass inheritance law. The amendments to the Civil Obligations Act, introduced on 30 December 2023, represent the legislators’ attempt to reinforce the legal position of care beneficiaries. The paper outlines the legislative process leading up to these amendments, as well as public reactions to them. In the main part of the paper, the changes introduced by the new legislation are described, accompanied by critical commentary on their implications. Through these changes, the legislators have brought forth new considerations, which are highlighted and analysed in the paper. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key changes in lifelong support agreements and support until death agreements, and explores how these changes may impact future efforts to exploit vulnerable individuals within the framework of such agreements. |