Title Uloga javnih službi u ostvarivanju prava djece bez pratnje
Title (english) The role of public services in realizing unaccompanied children rights
Author Ana Marija Markioli
Mentor Goranka Lalić Novak (mentor)
Committee member Goranka Lalić Novak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Romea Manojlović Toman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Teo Giljević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Administrative Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Djeca bez pratnje čine jednu od najranjivijih skupina migranata. Populaciju karakterizira maloljetnost, odvojenost od roditelja što ima za posljedicu nedostatak primjerene skrbi i napuštanje zemlje porijekla. Navedeno dovodi do potrebe za zaštitom njihova najboljeg interesa što se osigurava međunarodnim dokumentima i domaćim zakonodavstvom. Jedan od važnijih dokumenata našeg zakonodavstva je Protokol o postupanju prema djeci bez pratnje koji daje detaljne upute sudionicima u postupku o obvezama koje slijede i pravima djece. Nakon zaticanja djeteta na teritoriju države hrvatsko zakonodavstvo propisuje obvezu imenovanja posebnog skrbnika djeci bez pratnje koji je zadužen zastupati njegova prava i interese. Zatim slijedi inicijalni zdravstveni pregled te smještaj djeteta u odgovarajuću ustanovu socijalne skrbi, a ukoliko je to moguće dijete se uključuje u sustav obrazovanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je dobiti uvid u ostvarivanje prava djece bez pratnje u javnim službama. U njemu je sudjelovalo 5 stručnjaka sa iskustvom rada sa djecom bez pratnje. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na određene nedostatke u više sustava. U sustavu socijalne skrbi nailazimo na izazov neadekvatnosti smještaja i nedostatka kapaciteta u alternativnom smještaju te imenovanja posebnih skrbnika, ostvarivanja kontakta djece i skrbnika, opterećenosti radnim obavezama i edukacije općenito. Zatim se u sustavu obrazovanja nameće pitanje razine obrazovanja djece bez pratnje i organizacije pripremne nastave, odnosno pripremljenosti škola na prihvat, dok u zdravstvenom sustavu izazov čini površno obavljanje inicijalnog pregleda. Za kraj, stručnjaci objašnjavaju svakodnevne izazove u praksi rada sa djecom bez pratnje.
Abstract (english) Unaccompanied children are one of the most vulnerable groups of migrants. The population is characterized by being under-age, separation from parents which results in a lack of adequate care and leaving the country of origin. The above leads to the need to protect their best interests, which is ensured by international documents and domestic legislation. One of the most important documents of our legislation is the Protocol on Treatment of Unaccompanied Children, which provides detailed instructions to the participants in the procedure of the following obligations and children's rights. After a child is found on the territory of the state, Croatian legislation stipulates the obligation to appoint a special guardian for unaccompanied children, who is then responsible for representing his rights and interests. This is followed by an initial health examination and placement of child in an appropriate social welfare institution, and in situation when it is possible the child is included in the education system. The goal of this research is to gain insight into the realization of the rights of unaccompanied children in public services. The research results indicate certain deficiencies in several systems. In the social care system, we encounter the challenge of inadequate accommodation and lack of capacity in alternative accommodation, as well as the appointment of special guardians, establishing contact between children and guardians, workload and education in general. Furthermore, in the education system, there is the question of the level of education of unaccompanied children and the organization of preparatory classes, apropos the readiness of schools for reception, while challenge in the health system is the superficial performance of the initial examination. Finally, experts explain the daily challenges in the practice of working with unaccompanied children.
djeca bez pratnje
javne službe
ostvarivanje prava
smještaj djece bez pratnje
posebno skrbništvo
obrazovanje djece bez pratnje
inicijalni zdravstveni pregled
Keywords (english)
unaccompanied children
public services
realization of rights
accommodation of unaccompanied children
special guardianship
education of unaccompanied children
initial health examination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:631273
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistrica socijalnog rada (sveučilišni magistar/magistrica socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-07 09:33:58