Title Ortaštvo i imovina ortaštva
Title (english) Partnership and the Partnership Property
Author Marta Hohnjec
Mentor Petar Miladin (mentor)
Committee member Petar Miladin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Jakšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antun Bilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Company Law and Company Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-12-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Ortaštvo je zajednica dobara i osoba koja nastaje ugovorom o ortaštvu. Ortaštvo je temeljno društvo osoba uređeno Zakonom o obveznim odnosima i ujedno je i povijesni trag da se pravo društava razvilo iz obveznog prava. Ortaštvo je društvo bez pravne osobnosti te stoga ne može biti nositelj prava i obveza. Ortaci, u pravilu zastupaju i vode poslove ortaštva te odgovaraju za obveze ortaštva neograničeno, čitavom svojom imovinom. Ključna prednost ortaštva je jednostavnost osnivanja te dispozitivnost normi kojima je ortaštvo uređeno. Ugovor o ortaštvu u pravilu ne mora biti sklopljen u posebnom obliku. Specifičnost kod ortaštva je njegov režim imovine, naime imovina ortaka je zajednička nepodijeljena imovina svih ortaka. Na zajedničku imovinu na odgovarajući način se primjenjuju odredbe o zajedničkom vlasništvu propisane Zakonom o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim pravima. Imovina ortaštva može nastati na dva načina, jedno je ulogom ortaka, a drugo je poslovanjem ortaštva. Iako je odredbama Zakona o obveznim odnosima ortaštvo predviđeno kao vanjsko društvo koje ima imovinu i ulazi u pravni promet s trećima, to ne mora biti tako. Ortaštvo može postojati i bez imovine kao ortaštvo idealne naravi. Esencijalni sastojak ugovora o ortaštvu je postojanje zajedničkog cilja, a taj cilj ne mora biti stjecanje dobiti. Ono što je ključna obveza ortaka je doprinos, a znači da su ortaci dužni jednako sudjelovati u ostvarenju cilja ortaštva. Ortak nema pravo raspolagati svojim ulogom niti pojedinim stvarima i pravima iz zajedničke imovine. Pravo na diobu zajedničke imovine detaljno je uređeno Zakonom o obveznim odnosima, a razvrgnuće zajedničkog vlasništva Zakonom o vlasništvu i drugim stvarnim pravima. Uz razloge za prestanak ortaštva propisane u odjeljku o ortaštvu, prestanak ortaštva moguć je i na temelju općih odredaba Zakona o obveznim odnosima. Posljedice prestanka uključuju ukidanje interne veze među ortacima, što znači prestanak unutarnjeg društva, ali i ukidanje vanjskog društva, odnosno prestanak odnosa prema trećim stranama. Proces prestanka i završetak ortaštva naziva se likvidacija.
Abstract (english) A partnership is a community of goods and persons formed through a partnership agreement. It is a fundamental partnership of persons regulated by the Obligations Act and is also a historical trace that company law developed from the law of obligations. A partnership is a company without legal personality, meaning it cannot be the holder of rights and obligations as such. Partners typically represent and manage the partnership's affairs and are jointly and unlimitedly liable for the partnership's obligations with their entire property. The key advantage of a partnership is the simplicity of its formation and the dispositive nature of the norms that regulate it. A partnership agreement generally does not need to be concluded in a specific form. The specific feature of a partnership is its property regime, as the property of the partners is a shared, undivided asset owned collectively by all partners. Provisions related to joint ownership, as prescribed by the Ownership and Other Real Rights Act, apply to the shared property. A partnership's property can be created in two ways: through the partners' contributions or through the partnership's business operations. Although the Obligations Act provides for a partnership as an external entity with assets that enters into legal transactions with third parties, this is not always the case. A partnership can also exist without assets as an ideal partnership. An essential element of a partnership agreement is the existence of a common goal, which does not necessarily have to be profit generation. The key obligation of the partners is the contribution, meaning that the partners are obligated to participate equally in achieving the partnership’s goal. A partner does not have the right to dispose of its contribution or of any individual items or rights from the shared property. The right to divide the shared property is regulated in detail by the Obligations Act, while the joint ownership dissolution by the Ownership and Other Real Rights Act. In addition to the reasons for the termination of a partnership as prescribed in the special chapter on partnership, the termination of partnership is possible also on the basis of general provisions of the Obligations Act. The consequences of termination include the cancellation of the internal relationship among the partners, which means the cessation of the internal partnership, as well as the cessation of the external partnership, i.e., the termination of relationships with third parties. The process of termination and the conclusion of a partnership is called liquidation.
zajednički cilj
zajednička imovina
prava i obveze ortaka
Keywords (english)
common goal
joint assets
rights and obligations of partners.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:781837
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava (sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-12-18 08:01:51