Title Utjecaj odgojnih postupaka i stila roditeljstva na mentalno zdravlje djece
Title (english) Influence of pedagogic actions and pareting styles on children's mental health
Author Katarina Horvatić
Mentor Tihana Jendričko (mentor)
Committee member Tihana Jendričko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Urbanc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lea Skokandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (In social work) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-12-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Obitelj je primarna zajednica u životu svakog pojedinca te ima neupitno važan utjecaj na razvoj i mentalno zdravlje djece. Razdoblje ranog djetinjstva i iskustvo koje pojedinac stječe u primarnome odnosu sa roditeljem ili skrbnikom ima ključnu ulogu u razvoju, ali i u nastanku poremećaja u njegovom funkcioniranju. Teorija privrženosti dodatno potvrđuje važnost obitelji i prvih veza koje pojedinac stvara unutar obitelji jer se na tom prvom odnosu unutar obitelji temelji kasnije funkcioniranje
... More osobe u drugim odnosima u odrasloj dobi. Postoje četiri roditeljska odgojna stila: autoritativan, autoritaran, permisivni i zanemarujući. Svaki od navedenih roditeljskih odgojnih stilova ostavlja trag na djetetov razvoj i mentalno zdravlje. Autoritativno roditeljstvo koje je definirano roditeljskom toplinom, prihvaćanjem te odgovaranjem na djetetove potrebe pozitivno je povezano s mentalnim zdravljem djece, a autoritarno roditeljstvo definirano zlostavljanjem i neadekvatnim reagiranjem na djetetove potrebe pokazuje negativnu povezanost s mentalnim zdravljem djece. Autoritativni roditeljski stil povezan je s pozitivnim razvojnim ishodima kod djece poput višeg samopoštovanja, boljeg mentalnog zdravlja i boljih akademskih rezultata i postignuća. Djeca autoritarnih roditelja češće su nesretna i tjeskobna, a permisivnih roditelja impulzivna, neposlušna i buntovna. Najslabiji razvojni ishodi pojavljuju se kod zanemarujućeg roditeljskog odgojnog stila pa su djeca sklonija niskoj samoregulaciji, slaboj socijalnoj odgovornosti i lošem školskom uspjehu. Važno je osvijestiti roditeljima kako njihov način odgoja te odgojne metode kojima se koriste ostavljaju neizmjeran utjecaj na dijete. Ovaj rad podsjeća na važnost roditelja i odgojnih postupaka na mentalno zdravlje stoga je važna edukacija socijalnih radnika o vrstama odgoja, utjecaju odgojnih metoda na zdravlje djece te važnost adekvatnih roditeljskih metoda. Važno je uspostaviti suradnju između sustava socijalne skrbi i školstva, a posredno i zdravstva budući da se radi o sustavima koji se bave dobrobiti djece i mladeži. Less
Abstract (english) Family is a primary community in the life of every individual and has an unquestionably important impact on the children's development and mental health. Early childhood period and the experience which an individual gets in the primary relationship with a parent or a caretaker has a key role in the development, but also in forming disorders in his functioning. The attachment theory confirms the significance of family and first relationships that an individual forms inside the family,
... More because later functioning of that person in other adult relationships is based on that first relationship. Furthermore, there are four parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and neglectful. Each of those parenting styles leaves a deep mark on a child's development and mental health. Authoritarian parenting, which is defined by warmth of a parent, acceptance and satisfying the needs of a child is positively connected with mental health of children, while authoritative parenting is defined by abuse and inadequate response on the needs of a child which has a negative impact on children's mental health. Authoritarian parenting style is connected with positive developmental outcomes in children such as higher self-respect, better mental health and better academical results and accomplishments. Children of authoritative parents are more often miserable and anxious, and those of permissive parents are impulsive, rebelious and disobedient. The weakest developmental outcomes are present with the neglecting parenting style so those kids are prone of lower self-regulation, low social responsibility and weak results in school. It is important for parents to be aware of the huge and immense impact of their parenting methods and styles on children. This work raises awareness on the importance of parents and pedagogic actions when it comes to the question of mental health, so the education of social workers about parenting and pedagogic styles, about the impact of pedagogic methods on children's health and about the significance of adequate parenting methods is critical. It is crucial to establish cooperation between the social care system and school system, but also the health system because those systems are all focused on the well being of children and youth. Less
roditeljski odgojni stil
mentalno zdravlje
edukacija stručnjaka
Keywords (english)
parenting style
mental health
expert education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:908421
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica socijalnog rada (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2025-01-03 08:26:15