Abstract | U ovome radu ukratko ćemo prikazati razvoj feminizma, feministički pokret i njegov utjecaj, valove feminizma i povijesni razvoj, njegove začetnike i najvažnije predstavnike, kao i utjecaj koji je kao pokret imao na javnu upravu i državu te poveznicu tih dvaju naizgled nesrodnih pojmova. Kako bismo što bolje prikazali zastupljenost žena u tijelima državne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i općeniti položaj žene u hrvatskom društvu, uspostavit ćemo pravni i institucionalni okvir za ravnopravnost spolova na nacionalnoj hrvatskoj, ali i na europskoj razini. Kroz temeljne odrednice izložit ćemo najvažnije načine i instrumente putem kojih je Europska unija (u daljnjem tekstu: EU) utjecala na razvoj i unapređenje ravnopravnosti spolova od samih začetaka svoga postojanja pa sve do danas, kada je ta borba dobila puno veću i značajniju dimenziju, zahvaljujući u prvom redu osnivačkim ugovorima, temeljnim pravnim aktima, odlukama suda Europske Unije te izložiti važnost Direktive za transparente i ravnopravne plaće za ovaj rad. Načelo ravnopravnosti spolova u RH prikazati ćemo kroz utvrđivanje pravnog i institucionalnog okvira temeljem i putem kojeg se to načelo ostvaruje i štiti, prvenstveno kroz odredbe Ustava, Zakon o ravnopravnosti spolova i Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije te izložiti važnost instituta pravobraniteljice i ureda za ravnopravnost spolova. Uz početni kratki osvrt na organizaciju sustava državne uprave u RH, završni dio rada baziran je na podacima dobivenim na temelju provedenog istraživanja u 27 tijela državne uprave, koje se temelji na provedenom online upitniku u vidu online zahtjeva poslanog na sva tijela, u cilju što bolje interpretacije dobivenih podataka i donošenju zaključka, nastavno na dobivene rezultate i proučenu literaturu, uočene poteškoće i prostore za poboljšanje i preporuke za budućnost. |
Abstract (english) | We will briefly present the development of feminism, the feminist movement and its influence, the waves of feminism and how it has developed historically, its founders and most important representatives, as well as the influence that it had as a movement on public administration and the state, and the connection between these two seemingly unrelated concepts. In order to better demonstrate the representation of women in state administration institutions in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the general position of women in Croatian society, we will establish a legal and institutional framework for gender equality at the national, Croatian, and European levels. Through basic guidelines, we will present the most important ways and instruments through which the European Union (hereinafter: the EU) has influenced the development and advancement of gender equality from the very beginning of its existence until today, when this struggle has acquired a much larger and more significant dimension, thanks primarily to the founding treaties, fundamental legal acts, and decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, and we will present the importance of the Banner and Equal Pay Directive for this work. We will present the principle of gender equality in the RH by establishing the legal and institutional framework on the basis of which and through which this principle is realized and protected, primarily through the provisions of the Constitution, the Gender Equality Act, the Prohibition of Discrimination Act, and present the importance of the institution of the Ombudsman and the Office for Gender Equality. With an initial brief overview of the organization of the state administration system in the Republic of Croatia, the final part of the paper is based on data obtained on the basis of research conducted in 27 state administration bodies, which is based on an online questionnaire in the form of an online request sent to all of them, with the aim of better interpreting the data obtained and drawing conclusions, based on the results obtained and the literature studied, the difficulties observed and areas for improvement, and recommendations for the future. |