Abstract | Prvi slučaj korona virusa u svijetu zabilježen je 8. prosinca 2019. godine u gradu Wuhan, Hubei provincija u Kini. Od tog trenutka svijet se susreće sa situacijom bez presedana. 2. ožujka 2020. godine Europska unija je podigla rizik od koronavirusa s „umjerenog“ na „visoki“, te je krajem navedenog mjeseca više od trećine svjetskog stanovništva pozvano da ostane kod kuće. Većina tih zemalja i teritorija, njih oko 40, gdje živi najmanje 2,3 milijarde stanovnika, odredila je obveznu zabranu kretanja. Ograničenje slobode kretanja radnika uslijed javnozdravstvene krize osnovni je tematski element ovog diplomskog rada. Rad je koncipiran u nekoliko cjelina. U uvodu je opisan pojam slobode kretanja, kao i mogućnosti i razlozi njenog ograničenja. U drugoj cjelini objašnjen je pojam radnika, pravo na njihovo zapošljavanje, boravak, mobilnost, zabranu diskriminacije i prestanak boravka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Treća i četvrta cjelina obuhvaćaju pojam poslovnog nastana i prava članova obitelji radnika. Peta cjeline rada sadrži razloge i mogućnosti ograničenja slobode kretanja radnika, te iznimku javne službe. Šesta i sedma cjelina opisuju ograničenja slobode kretanja vezana za nastalu javnozdravstvenu krizu, odnosno mjere i postupke u Republici Hrvatskoj poduzete kao odgovor na nastalu situaciju. Osma cjelina obuhvaća način provođenja postupka odobrenja boravaka radnika u RH u vrijeme „COVIDA-19“, dok deveta cjelina razrađuje postupanja i mjere drugih država članica Europske unije u vrijeme krize, i to: Italije, Mađarske, Njemačke i Francuske. Na kraju rada, nalazi se zaključak, odnosno osvrt na postupke država članica Europske unije u nastaloj krizi bez presedana. |
Abstract (english) | The first case of coronavirus was first reported on 8th of December 2019 in Wuhan City, China. Since then, from that moment on, the world faces an unprecedented situation. Since 2nd of March 2020 European Union has emphasised the risk of coronavirus from "moderate" to "high", and by the end of that month, more than a third of the world's population was invited to stay at home. Most of these countries and territories, where at least 2.3 billion people live, have imposed a mandatory travel ban, about 40 of them. Restrictions of free movement of labourers due to the public health crisis, is a main theme of this graduate thesis. The paper is conceived of several parts. The introduction describes the concept of freedom of movement, as well as the possibilities and reasons for its restriction. In the second unit, the concept of labourers, the right to their employment, residence, mobility prohibition of discrimination and termination of residence in the Republic of Croatia is explained. The third and fourth units include the concept of establishment and the rights of family members of workers. The fifth unit contains the reasons and possibilities of restricting the freedom of movement of labourers, and the exception of public service. The sixth and seventh units describe the restrictions on freedom of movement related to the public health crisis, relatively the measures and procedures taken in the Republic of Croatia in response to the situation. The eighth unit covers the implementation of the procedure for approving the stay of labourers in the Republic of Croatia during the "COVID-19", while the ninth unit elaborates the actions and measures of other EU member states during the crisis, namely: Italy, Hungary, Germany and France. At the end of the paper, there is a conclusion, relatively a review of the actions of the EU member states in the unprecedented crisis. |