Title Socijalni rad s osobama oštećena sluha
Title (english) Social Work With Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Author Kristina Pinjušić
Mentor Ljerka Hajncl (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Šincek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvija Ručević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljerka Hajncl (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work) Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-09-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Osobe oštećena sluha pripadaju skupini osoba s invaliditetom te imaju određene potrebe i prava obzirom na oštećenja koje imaju. Oni kao skupina osoba posjeduju jednu zajedničku karakteristiku, a to je oštećenje sluha. Istovremeno, svaka je osoba oštećena sluha zasebna individua s vlastitim karakteristikama te se tako može promatrati na više načina. Tako se osobe oštećena sluha razlikuju po načinu komunikacije te navedeni proces seže od čitanja s usana do upotrebe službeno priznatog znakovnog jezika. Uz navedeno, dob ili vremensko oštećenje također utječu na bogatstvo karakteristika koje određuju osobu oštećena sluha. Osobe oštećena sluha tako stvaraju vlastitu kulturu – kulturu gluhih. Ona predstavlja bogatstvo iskustava, jezika i vrijednosti koje ova skupina zagovara te temeljem koje se identificiraju kao gluhe, čujuće, marginalne ili dvokulturne osobe. Kultura pomaže u identifikaciji osoba, ali ne sprječava pojavu prepreka koje im otežavaju pristup dobrima i resursima dostupnim članovima društva bez invaliditeta. Profesija socijalnog rada u fokus stavlja upravo položaj osoba oštećena sluha, u obitelji, školi te društvu u cjelini. U svom radu putem osvještavanja javnosti, edukacije i socijalne akcije nastoje djelovati na makro razini. Na mikro razini primjenjuju tehnike informiranja, savjetovanja, procjenjivanja te individualnog planiranja, u kojemu u suradničkom odnosu djeluju s korisnikom. Bilo da je riječ o radu s korisnikom ili u njegovo ime, socijalni radnik primjenjuje metode zastupanja, zagovaranja i osnaživanja kako bi djelovali na poboljšanje uvjeta i ostvarenje prava koje osobe temeljem svojega oštećenja imaju. Socijalni rad u partnerskom odnosu s osobama oštećena sluha nastoji zajednički djelovati različitim metodama na različita područja života ovih osoba kako bi postali ravnopravni članovi društva u kojem žive, ujedno utječući na socijalnu politiku, zakonodavstvo i svijest zajednice u kojoj žive.
Abstract (english) The hearing impaired persons are part of the group of persons with disabilities and they have certain needs and rights in view of the impairments they have. They as a group of persons have one common characteristic, namely hearing impairment. A modern individual hearing is a separate individual, individually and having its own features, and so can be seen in several ways. Thus, the hearing – impaired can be distinguished by the way they communicate and that process goes from reading with oral reading to the officially recognized sign language. In addition, age or time damage shall also affect the richness of the characteristics determining the person suffering the hearing. The people of the hearing were thus forming their own culture – the culture of deaf. It represents a wealth of experiences, languages and values advocated by this group and for which it is identified as deaf, famous, marginal and bicultural. Culture helps to identify people, but does not prevent the emergence of barriers that make it difficult for them to access the goods and resources available to members of society that make without disabilities. The profession of social work places the particular situation of te hearing impaired, the family, the school and the society at large. They shall seek to act at macro level in their work through public awareness, education and social action. At the micro level, they apply information, advice, assessment, and indicate planning techniques, in which they act with the beneficiary in their surgical relationship. Whether it is working with or on behalf of the beneficiary, the social workers uses methods of representation, advocacy and empowerment to act to improve conditions and enforce the right of persons on the basis of theirs damage. Social work in partnership with hearing affected persons seem to act jointly with different methods in different areas of life in order to become equal members of the society in which they live, who also have an impact on social policy, the legislation and the awareness of the community in which they live.
osobe oštećena sluha
položaj u društvu
socijalni rad
Keywords (english)
persons hearing impaired
position in society
social work
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:513182
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study Programme of Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-07-14 06:56:08